A step forward in fighting deadly pancreatic cancer

Credit: National Cancer Institute / Unsplash

Pancreatic cancer is a daunting adversary. Its late discovery and high mortality rate make it one of the leading causes of death from cancer.

On average, only 12 out of 100 people diagnosed with this cancer live beyond five years.

However, a glimmer of hope comes from a team of international researchers who have made some revolutionary findings about the development and progression of this deadly disease.

The Role of Gene Mutations

Cancer has long been associated with gene mutations, changes in our DNA that alter the behavior of our cells. One such mutation occurs in a gene called KRAS, which typically controls cell growth.

But when mutated, it sends cell growth into overdrive. This mutation is prevalent in pancreatic, lung, and colorectal cancers.

Beyond Mutations: The Influence of External Factors

Interestingly, it’s not just about gene mutations. Other factors, like inflammation caused by injury, also play a significant role in cancer development.

This inflammation induces changes in the cells and their surroundings, fostering an environment that promotes cancer growth.

In pancreatic cancer, these changes can happen rapidly, sometimes within just a day or two of tissue damage. Enhanced cell communication, a consequence of these changes, significantly contributes to cancer progression.

Investigating the Early Stages of Pancreatic Cancer

Aiming to understand the early stages of pancreatic cancer, the researchers employed advanced technology and computational methods to study the initial changes leading to pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC)—the most common type of pancreatic cancer.

Using genetically engineered mice that mimic human pancreatic cancer, they observed the transformation of normal cells into cancerous ones.

Understanding Cell Plasticity

A crucial discovery was made regarding cell plasticity— the ability of a cell to change its identity or ‘shapeshift.’

It was found that inflammation enhances this shapeshifting ability in precancerous cells, leading to cells that are more communicative than normal cells.

This transformation was not random but rather followed a predictable pattern across different mice, suggesting the potential for control over this process.

Diving Deep into Cell Behavior

Employing single-cell analysis, researchers studied individual cells at various stages of cancer development and identified certain cell groups as major communication hubs that drive pancreatic cancer progression.

Using advanced computation, they developed a new way to measure a cell’s shapeshifting ability.

Furthermore, they found that these transformed cells expressed more genes related to communication, altering their interaction with the immune system.

Implications and Future Directions

Understanding these early cellular changes could potentially help doctors detect or even prevent pancreatic cancer before it becomes too advanced.

Moreover, these insights open up the possibility of developing new treatments that could slow down cancer progression.

While this research provides a clearer understanding of how pancreatic cancer develops and is a significant stride in the fight against this deadly disease, more research is required.

Every new discovery brings us closer to devising more effective treatments and, hopefully, a cure.

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This groundbreaking study was published in the journal Science.

If you care about pancreatic cancer, please read studies about herb that could help treat pancreatic cancer, and new therapy to kill pancreatic cancer from within.

For more information about pancreatic cancer, please see recent studies about a big cause of common pancreatic cancer, and results showing this plant compound may help pancreatic cancer patients.

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