Omicron has mutations detected in previous COVID variants

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Omicron emerged as a variant of concern only in November 2021, but all the mutations it contains except one had been described before that.

In a new study, researchers attribute this factor to the effectiveness of the existing vaccines against the variant, reflected in the relatively small number of severe cases and deaths despite Omicron’s heightened transmissibility.

In October 2021, before the World Health Organization (WHO) recognized the emergence of Omicron, researchers described several mutations shared by a number of variants.

The group analyzed more than 200,000 genomes of SARS-CoV-2 and other human coronaviruses. They found identical mutations in different strains, which could serve as targets for future vaccines.

In this study, the team found out of 35 mutations in the omicron variant’s spike protein [used by SARS-CoV-2 to bind to a specific receptor when infecting human cells], only one was unknown.

That may explain why vaccination has so far been effective even though none of the vaccines on the market was designed specifically for Omicron.

They don’t prevent transmission, but they prevent severe cases and deaths, as can be seen by comparing this new wave with previous waves that occurred before there were vaccines or when a smaller proportion of the population had been fully immunized.

The researchers stress that the article is based on the data currently available on Omicron and on the genomes of other variants sequenced so far.

As the pandemic proceeds and more data is collected, it may be possible to confirm their hypotheses.

If you care about Covid, please read studies that people with COVID-19 infections may age much faster, and scientists find antibodies that can neutralize Omicron.

For more information about health, please see recent studies that for people over 50, even ‘mild’ COVID 19 can cause dangerous health problems, and results showing this low-cost drug can treat COVID-19 effectively and safely.

The study is published in the Journal of Medical Virology (JMV) and was conducted by Ricardo Durães-Carvalho et al.

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