These drugs can benefit people with diabetes and depression

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In a new study from the National Taiwan University Hospital, researchers found people with diabetes and depression who take antidepressants may have a lower risk of death and of serious diabetes complications.

People with diabetes face a higher risk of depression, which makes them more likely to die or develop diabetes complications including heart and kidney disease, stroke, eye, and foot problems.

Depression makes diabetes complications worse due to stress, body weight changes, and lack of exercise.

The researchers conducted a nationwide retrospective cohort study of 36,276 patients with depression and diabetes. They aimed to determine if antidepressants could improve diabetes outcomes.

The team found the regular antidepressant treatment was linked to a lower risk of death and heart disease.

They say that people with depression and diabetes have poorer health outcomes than those with diabetes alone, and regular antidepressant treatment could lower their risk of complications.

People who adhere to their antidepressants have better diabetes outcomes and quality of life than those with poor adherence.

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The study is published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. One author of the study is Shi-Heng Wang, Ph.D.

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