Scientists discover two stray supernova remnants in neighboring galaxy

Credit: Astronomy & Astrophysics (2024).

Astronomers using the European Space Agency’s XMM-Newton telescope have made an unexpected discovery—two supernova remnants in the outskirts of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC).

This surprising find, published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, gives scientists new insights into the environment surrounding our neighboring galaxy.

The two supernova remnants, named J0624-6948 and J0614-7251, were spotted as unusual light sources in the far reaches of the LMC.

These remnants are located in a region where scientists did not expect to find such traces of stellar explosions.

Typically, supernova remnants form in areas filled with ionized gas, which provides the necessary conditions for their shockwaves to leave a lasting impact.

Finding them in these distant outer regions suggests that the LMC’s surroundings contain more charged gas than previously thought.

This discovery could help scientists better understand how the LMC interacts with the Milky Way and the Small Magellanic Cloud.

By studying these two remnants, researchers are gaining a clearer picture of the cosmic environment in our galactic neighborhood.

XMM-Newton captured images of the two remnants using three different types of X-ray light, represented in different colors—yellow, purple, and blue. These colors indicate the chemical elements present in various parts of the remnants.

One of the remnants, J0614-7251, appears to contain a high concentration of iron in its center. This allowed scientists to identify it as the result of a Type-Ia supernova, a specific kind of stellar explosion that occurs when a white dwarf star collapses.

XMM-Newton’s detailed images helped distinguish the inner and outer structures of the remnant, making this classification possible for the first time.

The discovery of these two supernova remnants challenges previous assumptions about where these cosmic explosions can occur. It also provides valuable data on the chemical composition of the LMC’s outer regions, offering new insights into the processes shaping galaxies over time.

These findings demonstrate how advanced space telescopes like XMM-Newton continue to reveal the hidden details of our universe.

By studying these distant explosions, scientists can deepen their understanding of stellar evolution and the larger forces that shape our cosmic neighborhood.