This type of supplement may help prevent vision loss

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Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common eye disease that affects central vision, making it harder to see details clearly. While it doesn’t cause complete blindness, AMD can make daily tasks like reading and recognizing faces more difficult. If you have intermediate AMD in one or both eyes, taking AREDS 2 supplements may help slow down vision loss.

Who Should Take AREDS 2 Supplements?

Whether AREDS 2 supplements are right for you depends on the stage of AMD you have:

  • Intermediate AMD: If you have intermediate AMD in one or both eyes, AREDS 2 supplements may help prevent it from turning into late-stage AMD, which causes significant vision loss.
  • Late AMD in One Eye: If you already have late-stage AMD in one eye, taking AREDS 2 may slow down the disease in your other eye.
  • Late AMD in Both Eyes: If both eyes are already affected by late AMD, these supplements are unlikely to help. Instead, low-vision aids and resources can help you make the most of your remaining vision.
  • Early AMD: If you have early AMD, these supplements won’t stop it from progressing to the intermediate stage. However, getting regular eye exams can help monitor any changes.

If you have wet AMD (a more severe form of the disease), other treatments may be available, so talk to your doctor about your options.

Are There Any Risks or Side Effects?

AREDS 2 supplements contain high doses of vitamins and minerals, which can affect digestion and may interact with other medications. That’s why it’s important to talk to your doctor before starting them.

An older version of these supplements, called AREDS (without the “2”), contained beta-carotene, which increases the risk of lung cancer in people who smoke or used to smoke. AREDS 2 supplements do not have beta-carotene, making them a safer option for smokers and former smokers.

To avoid unwanted side effects or interactions, always tell your doctor about any other medications or supplements you are taking.

What’s in AREDS 2 Supplements?

AREDS 2 supplements contain a specific blend of vitamins and minerals that are not found in regular multivitamins or in sufficient amounts from food. These key ingredients include:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Zinc
  • Copper
  • Lutein
  • Zeaxanthin

Only AREDS 2 supplements have been clinically tested and proven to help slow down vision loss from AMD.

Where Can You Get AREDS 2 Supplements?

AREDS 2 supplements are widely available in drugstores and online. When choosing a brand, check the label to make sure it contains the right combination of vitamins and minerals. If you’re unsure which brand to buy, ask your doctor for recommendations.

How Were AREDS 2 Supplements Developed?

Scientists at the National Eye Institute (NEI) conducted two large clinical trials, called the Age-Related Eye Disease Studies (AREDS and AREDS2). They found that people with intermediate or late AMD who took these supplements daily had a lower risk of losing their central vision.

While AREDS 2 supplements are not a cure for AMD, they offer a simple way to help slow its progression and protect your eyesight for as long as possible. If you have AMD, talk to your doctor to see if AREDS 2 supplements are right for you.

If you care about eye health, please read studies about how vitamin B may help fight vision loss, and MIND diet may reduce risk of vision loss disease.

For more information about eye disease, please see recent studies about how to protect your eyes from glaucoma, and results showing this eye surgery may reduce dementia risk.

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