Scientists find a new way to treat high blood pressure

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Scientists are exploring a promising new way to help people with high blood pressure by using an ultrasound device to target nerves in the kidneys.

This device, which is still being tested in clinical studies, could offer a new solution for patients whose blood pressure remains too high despite medication and lifestyle changes.

High blood pressure, known medically as hypertension, is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be dangerous if not managed properly, leading to severe health problems like heart attacks, strokes, heart failure, and damage to the kidneys.

Currently, about one-third of people with hypertension struggle to keep their blood pressure under control, even when they follow a healthy lifestyle and take medication. These people are at greater risk of serious health issues.

The new device is part of a procedure called renal denervation, which targets overactive nerves in the kidneys. These nerves can contribute to high blood pressure by triggering the body to hold onto more water and sodium and releasing certain hormones that raise blood pressure.

By calming these nerves, the ultrasound device aims to reduce blood pressure and keep it in a healthier range.

In a study led by Ajay Kirtane and his research team from Columbia University, the device was tested in three separate studies involving over 500 people.

The participants were all middle-aged and had varying levels of high blood pressure. Some of them were taking medication to manage their condition, while others were not.

The results showed that the device helped lower blood pressure significantly. On average, people who received the ultrasound treatment experienced an 8.5-point drop in their daytime blood pressure.

What’s more, those who underwent the procedure were twice as likely to reach their target blood pressure compared to those who received a placebo treatment (known as the “sham group”). This improvement was noticeable within just one month of the procedure.

If this device gains approval from health authorities like the FDA, it could be used alongside existing treatments, such as medication and lifestyle changes, for those who struggle with high blood pressure.

For patients who haven’t seen enough progress with traditional methods, this new procedure could be a valuable addition to their treatment plan.

Currently, doctors encourage patients with high blood pressure to make lifestyle changes such as eating healthier, exercising regularly, reducing stress, and taking prescribed medications.

However, some people still find it challenging to achieve their desired blood pressure levels. This new device could offer another option for those patients, potentially helping them avoid the long-term health risks linked to high blood pressure.

Besides this new ultrasound treatment, researchers are also studying other ways to manage hypertension. Some studies suggest that restricting eating times early in the day could help reduce blood pressure levels.

There is also evidence indicating that choosing the right time to take blood pressure medication can maximize its effectiveness. Additionally, research has shown that incorporating more plant-based foods into one’s diet can benefit heart health and help control blood pressure.

The results of the study using the ultrasound device were published in JAMA Cardiology, a respected medical journal.

The findings offer hope that in the future, this technology could become a regular part of managing high blood pressure, especially for patients who have not had success with traditional treatments alone.

This new method could provide a proactive way to control blood pressure, reducing the risk of serious health problems in the long run.

While more testing and approvals are still needed, the early results are encouraging and could lead to significant changes in how hypertension is treated.

If you care about blood pressure, please read studies about unhealthy habits that could increase high blood pressure risk, and people with severe high blood pressure should reduce coffee intake.

For more information about blood pressure, please see recent studies that early time-restricted eating could help improve blood pressure, and results showing plant-based foods could benefit people with high blood pressure.

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