Scientists find a new drug for managing high blood cholesterol

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Cholesterol is a vital substance in our bodies, helping with functions like building cells and producing hormones. However, when cholesterol levels become too high, it can lead to serious health problems such as heart disease and strokes.

To prevent these issues, doctors often prescribe statins, which are drugs that help lower cholesterol, especially LDL cholesterol, known as “bad” cholesterol because of its link to heart problems.

Statins work by slowing down the liver’s production of cholesterol, and they are widely used to reduce the risk of heart disease. But, like all medications, statins aren’t perfect.

Some people experience side effects, such as muscle and joint pain, which can make it difficult for them to continue taking these drugs. In other cases, statins may not lower cholesterol enough, leaving patients at risk for heart-related issues.

This is where bempedoic acid comes into play. Bempedoic acid offers a new option for people who struggle to take statins due to their side effects or for those whose cholesterol levels remain too high even with statin treatment.

It works similarly to statins by reducing cholesterol production in the liver but targets a different enzyme, making it easier for some patients to tolerate.

At the ENDO 2023 conference, new research was presented that showed bempedoic acid could be a game-changer for managing high cholesterol. The study, called the CLEAR Outcomes Trial, focused on patients who couldn’t tolerate statins.

The results were promising: bempedoic acid lowered LDL cholesterol by 21% and reduced the risk of heart-related events, such as heart attacks and strokes, by 13%.

This is significant because it shows that bempedoic acid can provide similar heart-protecting benefits to statins. For people who can’t take statins because of side effects or who need additional help lowering their cholesterol, bempedoic acid offers a powerful alternative.

One of the lead researchers, Dr. A. Michael Lincoff, highlighted how important it is to have options like bempedoic acid available, especially considering the global burden of heart disease.

Heart disease remains the leading cause of death worldwide, so having more tools to manage cholesterol is essential.

The development of bempedoic acid shows how continuous research and innovation in healthcare are vital for improving treatment options.

It gives new hope to patients who have been unable to manage their cholesterol with existing medications and represents a major step forward in the fight against cardiovascular disease.

For those who have struggled with the side effects of statins or who need additional methods to control their cholesterol, bempedoic acid provides a promising new option.

It’s a reminder of the progress being made in medical research and how important it is to keep looking for better treatments to help people live longer, healthier lives.

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