Scientists discover new diamond bonding method for future electronics and quantum devices

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Researchers from the University of Chicago have made an exciting discovery that could improve the use of synthetic diamonds in both quantum and conventional electronics.

Diamonds are known for being incredibly durable, heat-conductive, and chemically stable, making them an excellent material for electronics and quantum technologies.

However, until now, it has been difficult to integrate diamonds with other materials because they only bond well with other diamonds.

This limitation has prevented diamonds from reaching their full potential in electronics.

A team led by UChicago’s Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering has found a new way to bond diamonds directly with other materials like silicon, fused silica, sapphire, and lithium niobate—without needing glue or other substances to hold them together.

This bonding technique could unlock new possibilities for diamond use in everything from quantum computers to cellphones.

Diamonds have remarkable properties that make them ideal for advanced technology. They have the best thermal conductivity, can withstand high voltages, and are chemically stable.

For quantum applications, diamonds are also exceptional because they can contain tiny defects in their structure, known as nitrogen-vacancy centers, which are perfect for quantum sensing.

However, using diamonds in devices has been challenging because they are “homoepitaxial,” meaning they only bond well with other diamonds. The traditional method of using large, thick diamonds for devices is expensive and inefficient.

The researchers found a way to overcome this challenge. They treated the surface of the diamonds and other materials to make them more attractive to each other, ensuring a flat and smooth surface for bonding.

By using a process called annealing, they were able to create a strong bond between the diamond and other materials without losing the diamond’s excellent properties.

This technique allowed them to bond diamond membranes as thin as 100 nanometers (much thinner than a human hair) while still maintaining their quantum qualities.

This discovery opens up new possibilities for the use of diamond in both quantum and traditional electronics. Instead of using large, costly diamonds, engineers can now work with thin diamond films that are easier to integrate into devices.

This could lead to major advancements in quantum computing, sensors, and even everyday electronics like phones and computers.

One of the researchers, Avery Linder, explained that trying to build delicate quantum devices with large diamonds was like trying to make a single grilled cheese sandwich using an entire block of cheddar.

Now, with this new technique, engineers can use smaller, more manageable pieces of diamond while still benefiting from its powerful properties.

The research team has patented their bonding process and plans to commercialize it through the University of Chicago’s Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. They believe this breakthrough could lead to a “revolution” in diamond-based technologies, similar to the advances in silicon chips that transformed computers and phones in the past.

This new technique could be a game-changer in how we build electronics, offering new opportunities for both quantum and conventional devices.