Fermented black garlic extract could fight prostate cancer

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Researchers from the University of Cordoba and the Maimónides Biomedical Research Institute (IMIBIC) have found that an extract from fermented black garlic may help slow the growth of prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer is a serious illness and the third leading cause of cancer death in men in Spain.

The new study suggests that this garlic extract could be a helpful addition to treatments for prostate cancer.

The study was published in the journal Nutrients and led by researchers Raúl M. Luque, María Loreta Libero, and Antonio J. Montero.

Their goal was to test the effects of fermented black garlic on human prostate cancer cells in the lab.

They were interested in how the garlic extract might reduce inflammation, which is known to play an important role in the development of prostate cancer.

In their experiments, the team tested the black garlic extract on different types of human prostate cancer cells.

They found that the extract helped reduce the aggressiveness of the cancer cells by slowing down their growth.

Even more promising, the garlic extract did not harm healthy prostate cells, meaning it could potentially be used safely as a supplement without damaging healthy tissues.

Researcher Antonio J. Montero explained that the garlic extract was able to lower the aggressiveness of cancer by reducing inflammation, a key factor that can make prostate cancer worse.

“We found that the treatment decreases the inflammatory environment that you can see in this type of cancer,” Montero said. The researchers believe that by targeting inflammation, the garlic extract could make the cancer less aggressive.

Lead investigator Raúl M. Luque added that the findings suggest this extract could be a useful option for patients at risk of developing a more aggressive form of prostate cancer.

The next steps for the researchers include testing the extract in a clinical study to see if it can help prevent or slow down cancer in people who have a family history of prostate cancer or have already been diagnosed.

This research offers hope that a natural, plant-based supplement like fermented black garlic could provide a safe and effective way to combat prostate cancer in the future. Further studies will be needed to confirm the benefits in human patients, but the results so far are promising.

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Source: University of Córdoba.