The surprising health benefits of eating grapes

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Recent research led by Dr. John Pezzuto at Western New England University has uncovered some surprising and exciting benefits of eating grapes.

These studies, published in the journal Foods, suggest that adding grapes to your diet could have significant positive effects on your health and might even help you live longer.

One of the studies focused on how grapes affect liver health, especially in the context of a typical Western diet that is high in fat. In this study, the researchers added an amount of grapes equivalent to just under two cups per day to the diet of the study subjects.

The results were impressive. Not only did the grapes help reduce the development of fatty liver, a common issue in people who consume high-fat diets, but they also seemed to extend the lifespans of the subjects.

Dr. Pezzuto, who has spent many years studying the effects of diet on health, highlighted that this study provided new insights into the old saying, “you are what you eat.”

What made this study particularly remarkable was that the grapes caused changes in the expression of certain genes. This means that the consumption of grapes actually altered how some genes functioned, which is a significant finding.

In addition, the grapes increased the levels of certain antioxidant genes that help the body fight against oxidative stress, which is a process that can damage cells and lead to aging and disease.

The study also showed that adding grapes to the diet delayed natural death in the subjects. While it’s difficult to directly translate the results from the study to human lifespans, Dr. Pezzuto estimated that these changes could potentially add an extra 4-5 years to a person’s life.

In another study published in the journal Antioxidants, the researchers looked at how grapes affect the brain.

This study found that eating grapes could have a positive impact on brain health, especially in cases where cognitive function had been impaired by a high-fat diet. The results suggested that grapes might help protect the brain and maintain cognitive abilities

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For more information about nutrition, please see recent studies about the connection between potatoes and high blood pressure,  and results showing why turmeric is a health game-changer.

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