Scientists discover new quantum critical metal that could revolutionize electronic devices

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Researchers at Rice University have uncovered a new class of quantum critical metal that could open the door to advanced electronic devices with unprecedented sensitivity.

Led by Professor Qimiao Si, the team’s groundbreaking study, published in Physical Review Letters, explores the complex interactions between electrons in quantum materials.

This discovery could lead to the development of new technologies such as highly sensitive sensors for medical diagnostics and environmental monitoring.

At the heart of this research is the concept of quantum phase transitions.

Just as water can change from solid ice to liquid or gas, electrons in quantum materials can shift between different phases as their environment changes.

However, unlike water, these electrons behave according to the laws of quantum mechanics, making their transitions much more complicated.

In the quantum world, two important factors come into play: quantum fluctuations and electronic topology.

Quantum fluctuations cause changes in the organization of electrons, even at absolute zero (the lowest possible temperature), where typical thermal vibrations disappear.

These fluctuations can lead to quantum phase transitions, resulting in what’s known as quantum criticality—a state where a material exhibits extreme and unique physical properties.

Topology is a mathematical concept that, when applied to electronic states, can result in unusual behaviors that might be useful in technology.

Together, quantum fluctuations and topology can drive these phase transitions, leading to fascinating changes in how electrons behave.

The research, conducted by Si’s team at Rice University in collaboration with Professor Silke Paschen from the Vienna University of Technology, focused on developing a theoretical model to study these quantum effects.

In their model, the researchers looked at two types of electrons: slow-moving electrons, like cars stuck in traffic, and fast-moving electrons, speeding by in a fast lane.

The slow-moving electrons have spins—tiny magnetic fields that point in various directions. Normally, these spins would organize into a neat pattern, but in this case, the lattice they are in doesn’t allow such order.

Instead, the spins form a quantum spin liquid, a state where the spins move more freely and create a fluid-like arrangement.

When this spin liquid interacts with the fast-moving electrons, it creates a topological effect, which can dramatically change the behavior of the material. The team also discovered that this interaction triggers a transition into a Kondo phase, where the slow and fast electrons lock together.

One of the key findings from this research involves the Hall effect, which describes how an electrical current bends when exposed to a magnetic field. Paschen explained that the Hall effect is influenced by the material’s electronic topology.

The researchers found that this effect shows a sudden jump when the quantum phase transition occurs.

This response happens even in the presence of a very weak magnetic field, a feature that could be incredibly useful in designing sensitive electronic devices.

This discovery offers new insights into quantum materials and how their unusual properties can be harnessed for future technology.

Si noted that the Hall effect’s drastic response to the quantum phase transition could lead to the development of electronic devices like sensors that are extremely sensitive, even in tiny magnetic fields.

Such devices could revolutionize fields like medical diagnostics, where detecting small changes in magnetic fields could lead to earlier and more accurate diagnoses.

Environmental monitoring could also benefit, with sensors capable of detecting minute shifts in environmental conditions.

By better understanding how electrons behave in quantum materials, this research could pave the way for the next generation of electronic technologies, bringing us closer to practical applications of quantum physics.