Scientists uncover virus behind superworm die-off

Insect virologist and virus co-discoverer Judit Penzes displays infected, dead superworms (at left) and healthy worms. Credit: J. Penzes.

Researchers at Rutgers University-New Brunswick have made a groundbreaking discovery: a virus that caused the mysterious die-off of superworms, a popular food source for birds, reptiles, and even humans as an alternative protein.

This discovery not only solves the mystery of the superworm deaths but also introduces a new method for identifying emerging viruses and pathogens in humans, plants, and animals.

The virus, named Zophobas morio black wasting virus, was discovered by using an innovative approach that combined traditional techniques with advanced technology.

The research was published in the journal Cell and marks a significant step forward in the study of viruses.

The superworm mystery

Superworms, the larval stage of a species of darkling beetle called Zophobas morio, are rich in protein and widely used as food for exotic pets like reptiles, birds, and fish.

In 2019, pet food suppliers and owners noticed that superworms were mysteriously dying off at alarming rates, which puzzled experts across the country.

Judit Penzes, a postdoctoral associate at Rutgers’ Institute for Quantitative Biomedicine (IQB), was contacted by beetle farmers who were desperate to find out why their superworm colonies were being wiped out.

Penzes, who had previously isolated a virus killing crickets, began investigating the cause of the superworm deaths.

Penzes started her research by collecting superworms from pet stores in New Jersey. She noticed that the worms were infected with something unusual. To identify the cause, she used a unique method.

She blended the infected worms into a slurry using a Magic Bullet blender, then processed the mixture with a virus purification technique. This allowed her to isolate the virus responsible for the superworm deaths. When she shined a fluorescent light on the centrifuge tube, the virus glowed blue, confirming its presence.

Penzes then teamed up with Jason Kaelber, an associate research professor at IQB and an expert in cryo-electron microscopy, to examine the virus. Cryo-electron microscopy allows scientists to freeze samples so quickly that water solidifies without forming ice crystals, enabling them to see the virus in 3D and even determine its protein structure.

By comparing the virus’s structure to known viruses, they found it was similar to a virus affecting cockroaches but was unique—a new member of the parvovirus family.

The discovery of the Zophobas morio black wasting virus is not only important for beetle farmers but also for the broader field of virology.

The researchers demonstrated that cryo-electron microscopy could be used to discover and characterize new pathogens directly. This method could become a powerful tool in responding to future outbreaks of unknown infectious diseases in humans, plants, or animals.

“The ability to use cryo-electron microscopy to identify new viruses in real-time could be crucial in quickly responding to outbreaks,” Kaelber said. “We hope to make this technology a routine part of diagnosing and investigating infectious diseases.”

The discovery also led to the development of a potential solution to protect superworm colonies. The researchers are working on a vaccine for the Z. morio beetles by injecting them with a closely related virus from another species that doesn’t cause symptoms.

This could help beetle farmers prevent future outbreaks.

The Rutgers team’s work represents a significant advancement in both virology and agriculture. By solving the superworm die-off mystery and pioneering a new method for virus identification, they have opened new possibilities for managing and preventing outbreaks in various species.

“The discovery is important not only for protecting beetle colonies but also as a real-world test of the technology we hope can be useful in rapidly investigating future outbreaks in humans, plants, or animals,” Kaelber said.

This research was a collaborative effort, with contributions from scientists at Rutgers, REGENXBIO Inc., and beetle farmers across the country who provided samples. The success of this study highlights the importance of collaboration and innovation in solving complex biological problems.