Scientists find new way to control high blood pressure

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A new device using ultrasound to calm overactive nerves in the kidneys might help people with high blood pressure manage their condition more effectively. Recent research has shown that this device consistently reduced daytime ambulatory blood pressure by an average of 8.5 points in middle-aged individuals with hypertension.

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a significant health concern. Approximately one-third of patients cannot control their blood pressure through lifestyle changes and medications alone. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to severe health problems, including heart failure, strokes, heart attacks, and irreversible kidney damage.

The device in question, which is still under clinical testing and not yet FDA-approved for general use, is employed in a procedure called ultrasound renal denervation. This procedure works by calming the overactive nerves in the renal artery, which can cause water and sodium retention and release hormones that increase blood pressure.

The study, led by Ajay Kirtane and his team from Columbia University, used data from three separate studies involving more than 500 middle-aged patients with varying degrees of high blood pressure and different levels of medication use.

The findings were significant: patients who received the ultrasound therapy were twice as likely to reach their target daytime blood pressure compared to those in the sham groups. Moreover, improvements in blood pressure were noticeable as early as one month after the procedure.

The research suggests that once the device is approved, it could be used alongside medication and lifestyle changes for people struggling to control their high blood pressure. This new treatment could be particularly beneficial for patients who have not achieved desired blood pressure levels through traditional methods.

The idea is that renal ultrasound could be an option for patients who, despite making lifestyle changes and taking medication, still cannot control their blood pressure. This proactive approach could help prevent the severe health issues associated with long-term uncontrolled hypertension.

For those interested in managing high blood pressure, other studies suggest that early time-restricted eating may help improve blood pressure, and there are optimal times to take blood pressure medications for maximum effectiveness.

Additionally, recent research indicates that plant-based foods can benefit people with high blood pressure.

The findings from this study were published in JAMA Cardiology and provide hope for new methods to help people with hypertension manage their condition more effectively.

If you care about high blood pressure, please read studies about what to eat and to avoid for high blood pressure, and 12 foods that lower blood pressure.

For more health information, please see recent studies about the connection between potato and high blood pressure, and how to eat your way to healthy blood pressure.

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