New eco-friendly process uses light and enzymes to create greener chemicals

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Scientists at the Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation (CABBI) have made a major breakthrough in creating greener agricultural chemicals and everyday products.

Researchers from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign developed an innovative method that combines natural enzymes and light to add fluorine—a valuable additive—to chemicals called olefins.

Olefins are hydrocarbons used in a wide range of products, from detergents and fuels to medicines.

This new technique is not only environmentally friendly but also precise, offering a new strategy for making high-value chemicals with applications in agriculture, pharmaceuticals, renewable fuels, and more.

The study, published in the journal Science, was led by Professor Huimin Zhao, a key figure at CABBI and the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology (IGB), and Maolin Li, a postdoctoral researcher.

They aimed to find a greener way to add fluorine to olefins, which can enhance the performance and longevity of agrochemicals and medicines.

Fluorine’s unique properties—small size, electronic characteristics, and ability to dissolve in fats and oils—make it an important component in many organic molecules, improving their absorption, stability, and interactions with proteins.

However, the traditional methods for adding fluorine are complex and often harmful to the environment.

The team used a “photoenzyme”—an enzyme that works under light—to incorporate fluorine into these chemicals.

This photoenzymatic process allowed them to precisely control where and how fluorine was added to olefins.

The method is not only eco-friendly but also highly specific, enabling the efficient creation of new compounds that were previously difficult to produce.

“This breakthrough represents a significant shift in how we approach the synthesis of fluorinated compounds, crucial in numerous applications from medicine to agriculture,” said Zhao.

“By harnessing the power of light-activated enzymes, we’ve developed a method that improves the efficiency of these syntheses and aligns with environmental sustainability.

This work could pave the way for new, greener technologies in chemical production, which is a win not just for science, but for society at large.”

Fluorinated compounds are often more effective, stable, and longer-lasting than their non-fluorinated counterparts. This means that fertilizers and herbicides could better protect crops, and medicines could be more potent or have fewer side effects. The new method fills a significant gap in molecular chemistry, as previous techniques for adding fluorine were limited and inefficient.

The research advances CABBI’s mission of pioneering innovative methods in biocatalysis, which can enhance the production of bio-based chemicals derived from renewable resources like plants or microorganisms rather than petroleum.

This development aligns with CABBI’s focus on creating sustainable bioenergy solutions that minimize environmental impact and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

The study also supports the broader mission of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to drive advances in bioenergy and bioproducts.

The new method can lead to more sustainable industrial processes that are less energy-intensive and reduce chemical waste and pollution. This aligns with the DOE’s goals of fostering clean energy technologies.

Efficiently creating high-value fluorinated compounds could lead to enhancements in renewable energy sources and bioproducts, supporting economic growth and environmental sustainability.

“Our research opens up fascinating possibilities for the future of pharmaceutical and agrochemical development,” said Li. “By integrating fluorine into organic molecules through a photoenzymatic process, we are not only enhancing the beneficial properties of these compounds but also doing so in a manner that’s more environmentally responsible.

It’s thrilling to think about the potential applications of our work in creating more effective and sustainable products for everyday use.”

CABBI researchers Yujie Yuan, Wesley Harrison, and Zhengyi Zhang of ChBE and IGB at Illinois were co-authors on this study. Their combined efforts have set a new direction for creating greener chemicals, promising a brighter and more sustainable future for various industries.