Exercise and high blood pressure: What to avoid and modify

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Regular physical activity is often recommended as a key part of managing high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. However, not all exercises are safe for people with this condition.

Some types of physical activity can temporarily raise blood pressure to dangerous levels, potentially posing health risks. This guide provides a clear overview of exercises that individuals with high blood pressure should avoid or modify.

Understanding High Blood Pressure and Exercise

High blood pressure occurs when the force of the blood against the walls of your arteries is consistently too high. This condition can lead to serious health issues like heart disease, stroke, and kidney problems.

Exercise can help lower blood pressure by strengthening the heart, making it more efficient at pumping blood. However, certain exercises can cause a temporary increase in blood pressure, which can be risky for those with hypertension.

Exercises to Avoid or Modify

  1. Heavy Weight Lifting

Lifting heavy weights can cause significant spikes in blood pressure during the lift. This spike occurs because of the intense effort and the tendency to hold your breath during the lift, known as the Valsalva maneuver.

For people with hypertension, it’s advisable to avoid heavy weight lifting or to modify the activity by using lighter weights with more repetitions. It’s also crucial to focus on breathing evenly throughout the exercise, inhaling during the less strenuous part and exhaling during the lift.

  1. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief periods of rest. While HIIT is popular for its effectiveness in improving cardiovascular health and aiding in weight loss, it can cause temporary but significant increases in blood pressure.

If your blood pressure is uncontrolled or you’re at high risk, it’s safer to engage in moderate-intensity aerobic exercises, such as brisk walking or cycling at a steady, comfortable pace.

  1. Isometric Exercises

Isometric exercises involve holding a position without moving the muscles, such as during planks or wall sits. These exercises can lead to significant increases in blood pressure because they involve sustained muscle contractions, which restrict blood flow and increase resistance in your blood vessels.

If you have high blood pressure, you should limit the duration of these exercises or avoid them altogether.

  1. Racquet Sports

Sports like tennis and squash can cause abrupt changes in blood pressure due to the intense bursts of physical exertion required during play. If you enjoy racquet sports, it may be safer to play doubles rather than singles, as doubles generally involve less intense, continuous activity and allow for more rest periods.

  1. Sprinting or Speed Running

Running at high speeds in short bursts, such as sprinting, can significantly raise your blood pressure. Instead, consider jogging or running at a more comfortable, steady pace that doesn’t overly elevate your heart rate. This approach still offers cardiovascular benefits without the risk of dangerously spiking your blood pressure.

Evidence and Recommendations

The American Heart Association recommends regular, moderate-intensity aerobic exercise as an effective way to lower blood pressure. Activities like walking, cycling, swimming, and light jogging are highly recommended for individuals managing hypertension.

The goal should be to gradually increase the duration and intensity of your workouts, aiming for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week.

Consulting Health Professionals

Before starting or changing your exercise routine, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you have high blood pressure or other health concerns.

Your fitness plan should be tailored to your specific needs, considering your current physical condition, any existing health issues, and any medications you’re taking. A personalized plan will help you exercise safely and effectively.


Exercise is a powerful tool for managing high blood pressure, but not all types of exercise are suitable for everyone. By avoiding or modifying high-risk activities, you can safely enjoy the benefits of regular physical activity without unnecessarily raising your blood pressure.

The key is consistency and moderation, along with regular medical check-ups to monitor your blood pressure and overall health.

If you care about high blood pressure, please read studies about what to eat and to avoid for high blood pressure, and 12 foods that lower blood pressure.

For more health information, please see recent studies about the connection between potato and high blood pressure, and how to eat your way to healthy blood pressure.

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