These health workers play a critical role in high blood pressure management

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A recent study by Tulane University reveals that pharmacists and community health workers are most effective in helping patients control high blood pressure.

Published in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, the study reviewed data from 100 hypertension trials worldwide to compare the effectiveness of different healthcare professionals in reducing blood pressure.

While nurses, physicians, and other healthcare professionals also contributed to lowering blood pressure, pharmacists achieved the best results, followed closely by community health workers.

This is significant as hypertension, a leading preventable cause of early death globally, remains prevalent in many communities due to financial and geographical barriers.

Lead author Katherine Mills, an associate professor at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, explained that managing blood pressure often requires more time than primary care visits can provide.

“Having someone lead an effort who doesn’t have the same time constraints may be the most effective approach,” Mills said.

On average, pharmacist-led interventions reduced systolic blood pressure by 7.3 mmHg, while community health workers saw a 7.1 mmHg drop. Nurse-led and physician-led interventions resulted in a 2-3 mmHg reduction in systolic blood pressure.

Both pharmacists and community health workers also saw the greatest declines in diastolic blood pressure. According to current guidelines, hypertension is diagnosed at readings of 130/80 mm Hg and higher for adults.

Mills was not surprised by these findings, noting that “all healthcare professionals were effective at delivering interventions.” However, pharmacists may be particularly well-suited to address the individual medical needs of hypertensive patients.

“One of the big challenges is getting the right combinations and doses of antihypertensive medications, and that can be difficult for some patients requiring repeated visits,” Mills said. “Pharmacists are perfect for that.”

Lawrence J. Fine, M.D., a senior advisor at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, emphasized the importance of a team-based approach to managing blood pressure.

He noted that in addition to traditional healthcare providers like physicians, pharmacists, and community health workers can play a crucial role in helping patients achieve their treatment goals, especially as nationwide blood pressure control has declined in recent years.

Community health workers are particularly effective due to their cultural ties to the community, which help gain trust and increase patient engagement. Additionally, using community health workers is often more cost-effective than interventions led by other healthcare professionals.

Mills highlighted that hypertension often goes unnoticed because it typically does not have symptoms, making it a lower priority for patients with multiple health issues during brief primary care visits.

“The goal is to determine who should lead these interventions and what the best strategy is to address this important health issue,” Mills said.

In summary, the study shows that pharmacists and community health workers are highly effective in managing hypertension. Their ability to dedicate more time and tailor treatments to individual needs makes them well-suited for this role.

This research underscores the importance of a collaborative, team-based approach to healthcare, especially for managing chronic conditions like hypertension.

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The research findings can be found in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes.

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