Scientists find a big cause of depression in middle-aged and older adults

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Depression is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide, particularly affecting middle-aged and older adults.

A study from Colorado State University has shown that social isolation can significantly contribute to depression in this age group.

Using machine learning, researchers analyzed data from a large, representative sample of middle-aged and older European adults.

They examined 56 variables and found that social isolation was the primary risk factor for depression for both men and women. This was followed by general poor health and mobility difficulties.

The study also explored 30 variables related to participants’ social networks and family configurations, such as the frequency of contact with friends, number of friends, and support related to physical care and finances.

For men, difficulty with instrumental activities of daily life, like managing finances, taking medications, and making phone calls, was a significant risk factor.

For women, a key risk factor was feeling burdened by family responsibilities, particularly those who felt that family duties interfered with their personal desires and activities.

While these gender-specific factors did influence depression risk, they accounted for only a small portion of the overall differences in depression risk between men and women.

The researchers aimed to identify a broad range of risk and protective factors for depression. They emphasized the importance of examining various aspects of social and relational support, as self-reported social isolation might be more closely linked to certain factors than others.

For those interested in understanding more about depression, there are studies suggesting that vegetarianism may be associated with a higher risk of depression, while Vitamin D might help reduce depression symptoms.

Additionally, recent research indicates that consuming ultra-processed foods may contribute to feelings of depression, and certain antioxidants could potentially lower the risk of dementia.

This study, conducted by Stephen Aichele and his team, was published in The Lancet Regional Health—Europe.

If you care about depression, please read studies about vegetarianism linked to higher risk of depression, and Vitamin D could help reduce depression symptoms.

For more information about health, please see recent studies that ultra-processed foods may make you feel depressed, and these antioxidants could help reduce the risk of dementia.

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