Many people over 50 would like to stop taking their prescribed drugs

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A new poll conducted by the University of Michigan National Poll on Healthy Aging reveals that many older adults are interested in “deprescribing” their medications.

The survey found that 80% of adults aged 50 to 80 would be willing to stop one or more prescription medications they’ve been taking for over a year if their healthcare provider advised it.

Additionally, 26% of those polled reported that they had already stopped taking at least one medication in the past two years.

Deprescribing can offer numerous benefits, such as avoiding harmful side effects and reducing healthcare costs. However, it’s crucial for patients to discuss any changes with their healthcare providers to ensure safety.

Interestingly, 35% of those who stopped a medication they had been taking for more than a year did so without consulting a health professional. This highlights the importance of communication between patients and providers when considering stopping or decreasing medication.

The poll also underscores the value of medication reviews, which can help identify medications that are no longer necessary or may be causing harm. According to the poll, 82% of people aged 50 to 80 take at least one prescription medication regularly, and 28% believe they take too many medications.

Despite the benefits of a comprehensive medication review, which is covered by Medicare and other insurance, many older adults may not be aware of this service.

The poll found that over 90% of older adults who take at least one prescription medication expect their provider to review their medications at least annually, but research indicates this often doesn’t happen.

Open and regular communication about medication use and potential changes, including deprescribing, is essential. Patients can bring up the topic at their next appointment, and providers can educate patients on the risks and benefits of different medications, working together to create a personalized medication plan.

Overall, deprescribing and medication reviews can lead to better health outcomes and an improved quality of life for older adults.

How to Stop Your Medications Safely

If you’re considering stopping one or more of your medications, it’s important to do so safely and under the guidance of a healthcare provider. Here are some tips:

Talk to Your Healthcare Provider: Inform your provider that you’re interested in stopping a medication. They can help determine if it’s safe and provide guidance on how to proceed.

Follow Your Provider’s Instructions: Your provider may suggest gradually decreasing the dose to minimize potential side effects from stopping the medication abruptly.

Be Aware of Potential Side Effects: Depending on the medication, you might experience withdrawal symptoms or a rebound effect. Your provider can help you identify and manage these side effects.

Monitor Your Symptoms: As you reduce or stop the medication, monitor your symptoms closely. Inform your healthcare provider if you experience any new or worsening symptoms.

Don’t Stop Medication on Your Own: Never stop taking medication without consulting a healthcare provider, as abrupt discontinuation can be dangerous and lead to serious health consequences.

By working with your healthcare provider and following their advice, you can safely stop medications and ensure you receive the best care for your health needs.

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