Engineers create smart valve to boost soft robots’ toughness

Credit: University of Sheffield.

Engineers at the University of Sheffield have developed a new type of valve that enhances the resilience of soft robots, making them more durable and reliable.

This innovation, reported in Science Robotics and created by Dr. Marco Pontin and Dr. Dana Damian, helps soft robots continue functioning even when parts of them are damaged.

Soft robots are made from flexible materials that can bend and move easily.

This makes them perfect for tasks that are too delicate or dangerous for traditional rigid robots, such as working in fragile environments or interacting with humans.

However, this flexibility also makes them more prone to damage.

The new valve uses air pressure to control the flow of fluids within the robot. It has two main modes:

  1. Forward Operation Mode: In this mode, the valve can quickly isolate a damaged section of the robot, stopping a leak from spreading further damage. It can do this in just 21 milliseconds, allowing the robot to keep working despite the damage.
  2. Reverse Operation Mode: This mode protects the robot from overpressurization, which could cause it to burst. By managing the pressure, the valve prevents the robot from getting damaged by too much internal force.

Additionally, the valve can combine both modes, allowing the robot to adjust its own internal pressure automatically.

This self-adjustment means the robot can independently manage its pressure to isolate a burst if one occurs.

The new valve is small, lightweight, and can be easily added to existing soft robot designs. This makes it a promising solution for increasing the toughness of soft robots and expanding their uses in various fields.

Dr. Dana Damian, a Senior Lecturer at the University of Sheffield, highlighted the importance of this innovation: “Soft robots have the potential to work closely with humans or even inside the human body as medical tools.

Their ability to withstand damage is crucial for their widespread use. Our valve extends the robots’ operational life and simplifies their design, as it passively activates fault isolation when damage occurs. This embedded intelligence makes the robots smarter and more autonomous.”

Dr. Marco Pontin, a Research Assistant in Soft and Resilient Machines at the University of Sheffield and a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Oxford, added: “Resilience is essential for the survival of biological systems. Our new valve mimics this resilience in soft robots, allowing them to respond to damage and protect themselves automatically.”

This innovative valve represents a significant step forward in soft robotics. By making these robots more resilient to damage, the valve opens up new possibilities for their use in medical, industrial, and everyday applications.

With enhanced durability and reliability, soft robots could soon become even more integral to various tasks, working safely and effectively alongside humans.