Unseen chemicals in daily life can cause obesity, study shows

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Since 1975, obesity has emerged as a global crisis, with the number of overweight individuals nearly tripling according to the World Health Organization.

While traditional explanations for this rise include high-fat foods, sugary carbohydrates, and sedentary lifestyles, a novel concept introduced by scientist Barbara E. Corkey suggests an invisible culprit could be at play: obesogens.

Barbara E. Corkey, a seasoned researcher in medicine and biochemistry, has introduced the term “obesogens” to describe chemicals that may be stealthily contributing to the obesity epidemic.

These chemicals, prevalent in our environment for the past 50 years, are found in various sources including our food, water, and air. They might be disrupting the way our bodies manage fat and energy.

Corkey’s research proposes that obesogens could interfere with the “redox state,” a critical internal signaling process that regulates our energy needs. By disrupting this signal, obesogens might trick our bodies into storing excess fat or feeling hungrier than necessary.

This could lead to unexplained weight gain. Many of these chemicals are associated with ultra-processed foods, such as snacks and candies, and are also present in everyday items like fertilizers, plastics, and pollutants.

The implications of this theory are profound. Current obesity treatments largely focus on diet and exercise. However, if Corkey’s hypothesis is accurate, this approach might be insufficient.

It suggests that we may need to redefine our strategies to include identifying and eliminating these obesogens from our environment or developing methods to mitigate their effects on our bodies.

Although this theory is still in the early stages of scientific scrutiny, it has been published in a respected journal, inviting other experts to explore and validate the findings.

If the role of obesogens in obesity is confirmed, it could fundamentally transform how we understand and address this widespread health issue.

As research continues, this new perspective on obesity causes could significantly alter our approach to preventing and managing weight gain.

For those struggling with obesity, understanding that environmental chemicals might play a role opens up new avenues for treatment and highlights the importance of ongoing scientific research in uncovering hidden factors in our environment that affect our health.

If you care about weight loss, please read studies that hop extract could reduce belly fat in overweight people, and early time-restricted eating could help lose weight .

For more information about weight loss, please see recent studies that Mediterranean diet can reduce belly fat much better, and Keto diet could help control body weight and blood sugar in diabetes.

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