Common causes of heart valve disease

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Heart valve disease occurs when one or more of the valves in the heart do not function properly.

This can disrupt blood flow through the heart to the rest of the body and can lead to serious health problems.

Understanding the common causes of heart valve disease is crucial for prevention and management. Here’s an easy-to-understand overview of why these valve problems might occur.

The heart has four valves: the mitral and aortic valves on the left and the tricuspid and pulmonary valves on the right. These valves open and close to direct blood flow through the heart.

Problems with these valves can lead to two major issues: stenosis (where the valve doesn’t fully open) and regurgitation (where the valve doesn’t close properly, causing blood to leak backward).

One of the primary causes of heart valve disease is age-related changes. As people age, calcium or other deposits can build up on the heart valves, leading to stiffening or thickening of the valve flaps (a process called calcification).

This is particularly common in the aortic valve, which can become narrowed (aortic stenosis), making it harder for blood to pass through.

This type of valve disease is increasingly common as the population ages and is one of the most frequent reasons elderly patients need heart valve surgery.

Another significant cause is rheumatic fever, which can result from strep throat or scarlet fever that is not properly treated. Rheumatic fever can lead to rheumatic heart disease, which may damage the heart valves.

Although much less common in developed countries now, thanks to improved treatment of strep infections, it remains a significant problem in many developing nations. The mitral valve is most often affected by rheumatic heart disease, leading to either stenosis or regurgitation.

Congenital heart valve defects are also a major cause. Some people are born with valves that are malformed, have additional flaps, or are fused together.

Such congenital valve problems can affect any of the heart’s valves and may be diagnosed at birth, during childhood, or even not until adulthood, depending on their severity.

Infective endocarditis is another cause where an infection in the bloodstream attaches to the surface of the heart valves.

This infection can damage or destroy the heart valve, leading to severe complications if not treated quickly. Individuals with existing valve problems or artificial valves are at higher risk for this condition.

Certain conditions can also exacerbate the risk of developing heart valve disease. These include a history of heart attack, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity.

Moreover, lifestyle factors such as smoking, lack of exercise, and a poor diet can increase the risk of developing heart valve disease indirectly by affecting overall cardiovascular health.

It is important for people at risk of or experiencing symptoms of heart valve disease (such as breathlessness, fatigue, swollen ankles, palpitations, or chest pain) to see a healthcare provider.

Early detection and treatment can be crucial. Treatments range from medication to manage symptoms and prevent worsening of the condition, to surgical interventions to repair or replace damaged valves.

In summary, heart valve disease can result from a variety of causes, ranging from congenital defects and infections to age-related degeneration. Understanding these can help in managing the condition effectively, improving quality of life, and reducing the risk of complications.

As with many medical conditions, early diagnosis and treatment are vital. If you have concerns about heart valve disease, consulting with a healthcare provider is a wise step.

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