Scientists find a drug that could increase lifespan

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Scientists from the University of Auckland have taken a significant step in understanding how the drug alpelisib, primarily used for cancer treatment, might influence aging.

Their recent experiment focused on assessing whether this drug could extend the lifespan of mice, offering a glimpse into its potential broader uses.

Alpelisib is known for its role in targeting and inhibiting a specific enzyme, PI 3-kinase, which is involved in both cancer progression and aging.

Intrigued by this dual role, the research team devised a study where they fed two groups of mice different diets starting from middle age—roughly equivalent to one year for mice. One group received a standard diet, while the other had alpelisib added to the same diet.

The findings were promising. Mice that consumed alpelisib lived about 10% longer than those on the control diet, averaging a lifespan of around three years.

Not only did these mice live longer, but they also showed signs of healthier old age, such as enhanced coordination and strength.

However, the study wasn’t without its caveats. The alpelisib-treated mice displayed some undesirable aging markers, like reduced bone mass.

Additionally, the drug is known to carry side effects that could be harmful over long periods, making it a less than perfect candidate for human aging treatments without further modifications or supportive therapies.

Despite these challenges, the research offers valuable insights into the aging process and suggests that drugs affecting the PI 3-kinase pathway could potentially be repurposed to extend lifespan and improve health in later years.

This aligns with over two decades of scientific efforts aiming to manipulate this pathway for cancer treatment, now possibly expanding to include aging and metabolic health.

The researchers are calling for more extensive studies to better understand alpelisib’s effects on aging and to explore any adverse implications its long-term use might entail.

This cautious optimism is a reminder of the complexity of translating findings from animal models to human health strategies.

This study is part of a broader scientific inquiry into how lifestyle and dietary choices influence health and aging.

Recent research emphasizes the potential benefits of animal proteins for aging muscles, the longevity advantages of olive oil, and the protective effects of vitamin D against autoimmune diseases.

Collectively, these studies underscore the importance of sustained research into aging and disease mechanisms.

They highlight the need for ongoing exploration of new treatments and therapies aimed at enhancing human health and extending life, bringing us closer to understanding the ultimate limits of human lifespan.

If you care about health, please read studies about how Mediterranean diet could protect your brain health, and the best time to take vitamins to prevent heart disease.

For more health information, please see recent studies that olive oil may help you live longer, and vitamin D could help lower the risk of autoimmune diseases.

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