Drinking coffee this way may protect you from stroke, heart disease

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A recent study conducted by researchers at Semmelweis University has revealed some heartening news for coffee lovers.

According to their findings, drinking up to three cups of coffee daily could significantly reduce the risks associated with stroke and fatal heart disease.

This study adds a positive note to the ongoing debate about the effects of coffee on heart health, especially given coffee’s status as one of the most widely consumed beverages worldwide.

Historically, the long-term impact of regular coffee consumption on cardiovascular health has remained somewhat ambiguous. To clarify these effects, the study focused on analyzing how habitual coffee drinking could influence the likelihood of heart attacks, strokes, and mortality.

Researchers involved in this project utilized data from the UK Biobank, which included 468,629 participants who showed no signs of heart disease at the start.

These individuals, with an average age of 56.2 years and a slight female majority, were monitored over a period of 10 to 15 years.

Participants were categorized based on their regular coffee intake: those who did not drink coffee regularly formed 22.1% of the sample; light-to-moderate drinkers, consuming 0.5 to 3 cups per day, made up 58.4%; and the remaining 19.5% were classified as high consumers, drinking more than three cups daily.

The results were quite revealing. Compared to those who did not drink coffee regularly, individuals who consumed coffee in light-to-moderate amounts were found to have a 12% lower risk of death from any cause, a 17% reduced risk of dying from heart disease, and a 21% decreased risk of suffering a stroke.

These associations suggest that moderate coffee consumption could be a protective factor against cardiovascular disease and mortality.

To further explore these associations, the researchers also analyzed cardiac images from 30,650 participants who underwent cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a sophisticated technique for assessing the heart’s structure and function.

This subset of data showed that regular coffee drinkers tended to have hearts that were healthier in size and function, suggesting that coffee might help counteract the negative effects of aging on the heart.

This finding is particularly relevant because it supports the idea that moderate coffee consumption can contribute to favorable cardiovascular outcomes. However, the exact reasons why coffee has these benefits are not fully understood.

The researchers speculate that the positive impacts could be related to beneficial changes in heart structure and function, prompted by components within coffee.

Although the results are promising, the study’s authors, including Dr. Judit Simon, emphasize the need for further research to fully understand the mechanisms behind coffee’s protective effects.

This study was presented at the ESC Congress 2021, highlighting its importance in the ongoing discussion about dietary influences on heart health.

For those interested in reducing their risk of stroke and heart-related issues, this study suggests that moderate coffee drinking could be a beneficial addition to a healthy lifestyle.

However, as always, it’s important to consider individual health profiles and consult healthcare providers when making dietary changes.

This study not only sheds light on the potential health benefits of coffee but also encourages further scientific exploration into how our daily habits can influence long-term health outcomes.

If you care about stroke, please read studies that diets high in flavonoids could help reduce stroke risk, and MIND diet could slow down cognitive decline after stroke.

For more information about nutrition, please see recent studies about antioxidants that could help reduce the risk of dementia, and tea and coffee may help lower your risk of stroke, dementia.

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