This simple fruit can help manage blood pressure

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Prunes are essentially dried plums known for their sweet and chewy nature. What makes them particularly interesting is that they don’t have any added sugar despite their sweetness.

Packed with vitamin B6, manganese, and copper, these nutrients play a crucial role in how our bodies convert the food we eat into energy.

Prunes aren’t just about basic nutrition; they’re also rich in vitamins and antioxidants. These are important because they help boost our immune system and ensure our cells function well. This means prunes assist in protecting us from illnesses and ensure our body systems run smoothly.

When it comes to managing blood pressure, fruits and vegetables have always been at the forefront. Maintaining a healthy blood pressure is vital for heart health, as high blood pressure can lead to serious conditions like heart disease and stroke.

It’s not only the antioxidants in fruits and vegetables that benefit us but also other elements that help lower the two key measures of blood pressure.

These measures are systolic—the pressure in your arteries when your heart beats—and diastolic—the pressure when your heart rests between beats.

Researchers at Shifa College of Medicine conducted a study to explore how prunes can affect heart health. They tested 259 people who had different levels of blood pressure.

The participants were divided into groups, where some were given prunes or prune juice daily, and a control group was just given plain water every morning on an empty stomach.

The results were quite revealing. Those who ate prunes every day saw a significant drop in their blood pressure compared to those who drank water. The greatest changes were observed in people who consumed just three prunes a day.

Interestingly, doubling the intake to six prunes mainly impacted the systolic pressure, which is the top number in a blood pressure reading.

The study also uncovered that people who did not eat prunes saw an increase in HDL cholesterol, often referred to as “good” cholesterol. This type of cholesterol is beneficial as it helps remove other harmful cholesterol from the body, thus reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Meanwhile, those who consumed prunes saw a decrease in both their total and LDL cholesterol, also known as “bad” cholesterol, which when elevated, can increase the risk of heart problems.

From the research findings, it’s clear that integrating prunes into our diet could help in managing high blood pressure and thus safeguarding our heart health.

If left unchecked, high blood pressure can lead to various severe heart conditions, including heart attacks and strokes. Eating prunes regularly can be a simple, natural way to help manage blood pressure levels and keep our hearts healthy.

Incorporating prunes into our daily diet doesn’t just offer potential benefits for heart health; it also aligns with a simple approach to improving overall wellness through natural, accessible dietary choices.

If you care about high blood pressure, please read studies about potatoes and high blood pressure, and top 10 choices for a blood pressure-friendly diet

For more information about high blood pressure, please see recent studies about impact of vitamins on high blood pressure you need to know, and the powerful link between high blood pressure and a potassium-rich diet.

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