Scientists find new side effect of statins for lowering cholesterol

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Cholesterol is a fatty substance that moves around in our blood. Our bodies need it to do important jobs, like making cell walls and hormones.

But when there’s too much cholesterol, it can lead to problems.

Think of your blood vessels as pipes. Too much cholesterol can clog these pipes, increasing the risk of heart attacks or strokes.

That’s why some people take medicine to keep their cholesterol levels down, helping to avoid these blockages.

Researchers at the University of South Australia recently took a deep dive into cholesterol medications. They wanted to see how these drugs work and what side effects they might have.

People use cholesterol drugs to prevent blockages in the arteries. These medicines lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart diseases and other issues related to aging. Although these drugs are generally effective, they can sometimes cause an upset stomach.

The study made an interesting discovery about statins, a type of cholesterol medication. Some people who took statins noticed their hippocampus, a brain area linked to memory, got a bit bigger.

This suggests statins might not only keep your heart safe but could also help your memory stay sharp as you get older.

Another type of cholesterol medicine, PCSK9 inhibitors, works by helping your body get rid of cholesterol.

The study found that these drugs might affect lung function, but it’s too soon to say for sure. It’s a reminder that researchers need to keep an eye on these medications to fully understand their effects.

There was also a surprising finding about statins and weight. People taking these drugs might gain weight and increase their body fat. Some men also experienced lower testosterone levels, which can affect mood and energy.

This research is important because it helps us understand how cholesterol medications work and how they affect different people. For instance, if you have lung problems, your doctor might reconsider giving you PCSK9 inhibitors.

More knowledge means making better choices for your health. It’s important to ask questions, stay informed, and work with your doctors to find the best treatment for you.

Too much cholesterol is bad for your health, but medications like statins and PCSK9 inhibitors can help manage it. However, these drugs might have side effects that are worth paying attention to.

The study from the University of South Australia offers new insights into these medications, helping doctors and patients make informed decisions.

Remember, taking charge of your health means staying informed. Work closely with your healthcare team, ask questions, and make the choices that are best for you.

You can find more about this study in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, and if you’re interested in heart health, there’s a lot more to explore. Keeping up with the latest research can help you take the best care of your heart.

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