Researchers find a new cause of multiple sclerosis

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Researchers in Sweden are diving deep into the mystery of how a common virus might be linked to a serious neurological condition.

At the Karolinska Institutet, a team has been studying the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), known to almost everyone since it infects most of us early on without much fuss.

EBV, a type of herpesvirus, sticks around in our bodies silently, with more than 90% of people carrying it for life. It’s mostly harmless, but for some, especially young adults, it can cause infectious mononucleosis, also known as the “kissing disease.”

The plot thickens when we connect EBV to multiple sclerosis (MS), a disease that affects the brain and spinal cord, leading to symptoms like trouble walking, feeling tired, and more.

Scientists have been puzzled by how EBV might trigger or worsen MS. Recent studies have started to piece together the puzzle, suggesting that the virus could indeed set the stage for MS, with the immune system’s response to EBV playing a significant role.

The Karolinska Institutet team, including postdoctoral researcher Olivia Thomas, focused on the misdirected attack by the immune system.

They found that some people have antibodies that fight off EBV but also mistakenly target a similar protein in the brain and spinal cord. This mistaken identity could lead to the damage seen in MS.

Their study showed that this mix-up happens in about 23% of MS patients, indicating that while it’s not the whole story, it’s a crucial chapter for many.

But there’s more to the immune system’s role in MS than just antibodies. The team is also looking at T cells, another type of immune cell, to see how they might mistakenly attack the nervous system after being primed to fight EBV.

This ongoing research is essential, offering hope that understanding these complex interactions could lead to better treatments for MS, tailored to how the disease unfolds in different people.

The takeaway from this research is a call for a more personalized approach to treating MS, recognizing the varied ways the disease can develop.

With each discovery, scientists like those at the Karolinska Institutet are adding valuable knowledge that could one day make a big difference for people living with MS.

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