Blood pressure medicine linked to this eye disease

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In a recent study, scientists have discovered a possible link between a certain type of blood pressure medicine, known as Calcium Channel Blockers (CCBs), and an increased chance of getting glaucoma.

This research was carried out by Dr. Alan Kastner and his team at Moorfields Eye Hospital and University College London.

They looked into the health records of over 427,000 people living in the U.K., which included 33,175 people who were taking CCBs.

The team took into account various factors like how old the people were, their lifestyle habits, and other health conditions they might have.

After doing this, they found something interesting: people who were taking CCBs were more likely to have glaucoma than those who weren’t on these medications.

This was a surprising find, especially since this increased risk wasn’t seen with other types of blood pressure medicines.

What makes this concern more significant is that the risk of developing glaucoma was present even in people whose eye pressure was normal.

Normally, we associate glaucoma with high pressure in the eyes, which can harm the optic nerve and lead to loss of vision. However, this study suggests that CCBs might cause glaucoma through a different route, one that doesn’t involve eye pressure.

CCBs are commonly prescribed to manage blood pressure, so these findings could have big implications. Glaucoma is a serious condition where, without early detection and treatment, people can lose their vision.

It’s tricky because it doesn’t show symptoms in the early stages. Therefore, this study highlights how crucial regular eye check-ups are, especially for those taking blood pressure medication like CCBs, as they might be at a higher risk of glaucoma without realizing it.

The researchers are urging for more studies to be done. They want to confirm whether CCBs directly cause glaucoma and to understand how these medications might lead to the condition.

This is important for people who are currently taking CCBs. They should talk to their doctors about this new research to see if they need to be more closely monitored for signs of glaucoma.

It’s also worth mentioning that some of the researchers involved in the study have connections to companies that make medicines.

This doesn’t necessarily mean the findings are biased, but it’s something readers should keep in mind when considering the results of the research.

The details of this study were published in the journal JAMA Ophthalmology. It provides valuable insights for anyone concerned about their eye health, especially those taking blood pressure medicines.

In light of these findings, it’s a reminder of the importance of looking after our eyes and making sure we’re informed about the potential side effects of our medications.

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For more information about blood pressure, please see recent studies about how coffee influence your risk of high blood pressure, and results showing this olive oil could reduce blood pressure in healthy people.

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