Aspirin and heart failure: what you should know

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In a notable study from the University of Freiburg, researchers have shed light on the potential risks associated with aspirin use, particularly concerning heart failure.

Aspirin, a common medication known for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties, is often used to manage various health conditions.

However, this recent research highlights a 26% increased risk of heart failure among individuals with certain health factors when they use aspirin.

The study focused on adults aged 40 and older who were considered at risk for developing heart failure due to factors like smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and existing heart disease.

Out of the 30,827 participants, all were free from heart failure at the study’s start. Participants were categorized as aspirin users or non-users based on their intake at enrollment.

Over a five-year observation period, the researchers closely monitored these individuals for any new cases of heart failure that required hospital admission.

Interestingly, out of the participants, 7,698 (which accounts for 25% of the total group) were taking aspirin. During the follow-up, 1,330 participants were diagnosed with heart failure.

The study’s analysis revealed that aspirin use was associated with a 26% increase in the risk of being newly diagnosed with heart failure.

This finding was consistent even after adjusting for other risk factors and excluding those with a history of cardiovascular disease.

Specifically, among the 22,690 participants without prior heart disease, aspirin use still showed a 27% increased risk for heart failure.

These findings emphasize the importance of cautious aspirin prescription, especially for individuals with predisposing factors for heart failure or those already diagnosed with the condition.

While aspirin remains a widely used medication, this research suggests that its role in heart health may be more complicated than previously thought.

The study, led by Dr. Blerim Mujaj and published in ESC Heart Failure, calls for a careful consideration of aspirin use in people at risk of heart failure, underlining the need for personalized medical advice and treatment plans.

If you care about heart disease, please read studies that herbal supplements could harm your heart rhythm, and how eating eggs can help reduce heart disease risk.

For more information about heart health, please see recent studies that apple juice could benefit your heart health, and results showing yogurt may help lower the death risks in heart disease.

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