These common meds linked to memory problems in older people

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Medicines are often lifesavers, but sometimes, they can have side effects we don’t expect.

A striking example of this comes from a recent study at the University of California, San Diego. The research focused on a group of widely used drugs and their potential impact on memory.

These drugs are known as anticholinergic drugs. They’re quite common and used for a variety of health issues.

They help lower high blood pressure, treat allergies and colds, manage Parkinson’s disease, and solve bladder problems.

There are around 100 types of these drugs, with some being available over the counter and others requiring a doctor’s prescription.

The study involved 688 participants, with an average age of 74, none of whom initially had memory or thinking problems. These individuals reported their use of anticholinergic drugs, having used them at least once a week for more than six months.

They underwent annual tests for memory and thinking skills for up to 10 years. Notably, about one-third of the participants were taking these drugs, with common ones including Metoprolol, Atenolol, Loratadine, and Bupropion.

The findings were a bit alarming. People taking at least one of these drugs were 47% more likely to experience memory problems compared to those who weren’t taking them. Memory issues are often early signs of more serious memory diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Moreover, the study found that individuals with signs of Alzheimer’s in their body or with Alzheimer’s genes faced an even higher risk. They were four times and 2.5 times more likely, respectively, to develop memory problems if they were taking these drugs.

What Does This Mean for Everyone?

This discovery holds significant implications. It suggests that reducing the use of these drugs, especially before experiencing memory issues, could help in preventing future problems. This is particularly crucial for those at higher risk of Alzheimer’s.

Additional Considerations

For those dealing with high blood pressure, it’s important to stay informed about related research. Changes in blood pressure could indicate emerging heart issues. Natural remedies like beetroot might help manage high blood pressure.

In some cases, medications for high blood pressure can exacerbate the condition, and sometimes, a wait-and-see approach might be more beneficial.

This impactful research was led by Lisa Delano-Wood and her team. Their findings, published in the journal Neurology, underline the need for careful consideration of the medications we use and their potential long-term effects on our health, particularly regarding memory and cognitive functions.

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