1 in 5 people with hypertension takes drugs that harm blood pressure health

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High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a common health issue. Having it increases your risk of heart disease, strokes, and problems with your kidneys and eyes.

The usual advice for managing high blood pressure includes exercising, eating healthy, and taking specific medications.

Unexpected Insights from Harvard

A recent Harvard University study revealed something surprising. They found that some people with high blood pressure are unintentionally making it worse by taking certain other medications. These aren’t meant for treating high blood pressure.

This finding comes from a large health survey. It shows that about one in five adults with high blood pressure might be affected by this issue.

The medications causing concern include common drugs like certain antidepressants, NSAIDs (pain relievers), steroids, and even some over-the-counter cold medicines.

What’s alarming is that people taking these drugs often need higher doses of their blood pressure medications to manage their condition effectively.

What You Can Do

Review Your Medications

If you have high blood pressure, it’s crucial to discuss all your medications with your doctor. This includes prescriptions for other conditions and over-the-counter drugs.

Sometimes, if you have multiple doctors, they might not be aware of each other’s prescriptions. Make sure each doctor knows about all the medications you’re taking.

Lifestyle Changes are Key

Besides medication, lifestyle changes can significantly impact your blood pressure. Eating healthily, with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, is beneficial.

Cutting down on salty foods is also important. Regular exercise, even something as simple as walking, can help, as can stress-reducing activities like yoga or meditation.

Be Aware of Drugs That May Impact Blood Pressure

Watch out for these types of medications, as they might affect your blood pressure:

  • Some pain relievers, like ibuprofen
  • Certain antidepressants
  • Steroids
  • Hormone-based drugs, including birth control pills
  • Cold medicines with decongestants
  • Some weight loss pills

Remember, not everyone will see an increase in blood pressure from these medications, but some might be more sensitive.

Always consult your doctor or pharmacist if you’re concerned about how these could affect you.

By being informed and taking a well-rounded approach to manage high blood pressure, you can significantly improve your health and reduce the risk of serious complications.

Keep track of what you consume, and never hesitate to seek advice. Your health is always worth the effort.

If you care about high blood pressure, please read studies that early time-restricted eating could help improve blood pressure, and natural coconut sugar could help reduce blood pressure and artery stiffness.

For more information about blood pressure, please see recent studies about added sugar in your diet linked to higher blood pressure, and results showing vitamin D could improve blood pressure in people with diabetes.

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