Wearable ultrasound can monitor muscle health in real time

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Musculoskeletal injuries affect millions each year, often leading to lengthy and challenging recovery processes.

Patients gradually rebuild muscle strength during rehabilitation, a process closely monitored by medical professionals.

However, the dynamic nature of these exercises has made it challenging to obtain real-time insights into muscle function.

Enter Parag Chitnis and his team from George Mason University, who have developed a groundbreaking wearable ultrasound system capable of delivering clinically relevant information during dynamic physical activities.

Chitnis will present this pioneering work at Acoustics 2023, held from December 4th to 8th at the International Convention Center Sydney.

While numerous medical technologies provide glimpses into the body’s inner workings, few can be employed while patients are in motion.

The wearable ultrasound monitor overcomes this limitation, offering unprecedented insight into the dynamics of the human body.

The potential applications are vast. For instance, during rehabilitation exercises, these devices can ensure that the target muscle is being activated correctly, enhancing the effectiveness of therapy.

Athletes can benefit from real-time insights into their physical fitness and performance. Stroke patients can receive guidance on motor function recovery, and elderly individuals can assess their balance and stability during routine activities.

Creating a wearable ultrasound device involved a comprehensive redesign of ultrasound technology. Chitnis and his team didn’t simply strap an existing ultrasound monitor onto patients; instead, they reimagined the entire approach.

Traditional ultrasound systems transmit short-duration pulses, with echo signals used to create clinically useful images. However, their system utilizes a patented method based on long-duration chirps for ultrasound sensing, employing components similar to car radios.

This innovative approach led to the development of a simpler and more cost-effective system that could be miniaturized and powered by batteries. The result is a small, portable ultrasound monitor that can be conveniently attached to a patient.

Chitnis’s plans include refining the device further and developing software tools for the rapid interpretation and analysis of ultrasound signals.

In summary, Parag Chitnis and his team’s wearable ultrasound system represents a significant breakthrough in real-time muscle monitoring.

With its potential to enhance rehabilitation, benefit athletes, aid stroke patients, and support the elderly, this innovation promises to transform how we assess and improve muscle function during physical activity.

If you care about muscle, please read studies about factors that can cause muscle weakness in older people, and scientists find a way to reverse high blood sugar and muscle loss.

For more health information, please see recent studies about an easy, cheap way to maintain muscles, and results showing these vegetables essential for your muscle strength.

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