Turmeric and vitamin D for healthy blood pressure in type 2 diabetes

Credit: Jellybee / Unsplash.

A study by Urmia University of Medical Sciences has explored the potential benefits of turmeric compounds and vitamin D supplementation in improving blood pressure health for individuals with type 2 diabetes.

Curcuminoids, the active ingredients in turmeric, are known for their medicinal properties, including anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic effects.

Vitamin D, essential for bone health, also plays roles in reducing cancer cell growth and inflammation.

The study aimed to assess the effects of curcuminoids and vitamin D, both separately and combined, on blood pressure among people with type 2 diabetes and insufficient vitamin D levels.

Eighty participants were divided into four groups to receive either curcuminoids, vitamin D, a combination of both, or placebos over 12 weeks. Blood pressure measurements were taken before and after the intervention.

Key Findings

Vitamin D Results: Vitamin D supplementation reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Curcuminoids Results: Curcuminoids significantly lowered diastolic blood pressure but also counteracted the effect of vitamin D on systolic blood pressure reduction.

Combined Effects: When combined, vitamin D and curcuminoids effectively reduced diastolic blood pressure.

The study suggests that curcuminoids and vitamin D may benefit blood pressure control in type 2 diabetes patients. However, the differing effects on systolic and diastolic blood pressure warrant further research to understand the underlying mechanisms.

Dietary Sources

Curcuminoids: Found in turmeric, mango ginger, curry powder, and curry dishes.

Vitamin D: Present in salmon, herrings, sardines, cod liver oil, canned tuna, egg yolks, mushrooms, and fortified foods.

The research conducted by Shirin Ebrahimkhani and colleagues, published in Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, highlights the potential of turmeric and vitamin D supplementation in managing blood pressure for those with type 2 diabetes.

These findings contribute to a growing body of evidence supporting the use of natural compounds in complementing traditional medical treatments for chronic conditions.

If you care about blood pressure, please read studies about how diets could help lower high blood pressure, and 3 grams of omega-3s a day keep high blood pressure at bay.

For more information about nutrition, please see recent studies that beetroot juice could help reduce blood pressure, and results showing cinnamon could help lower high blood pressure.

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