Green spaces and walkability are keys to a healthier heart

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Recent research reveals an interesting connection between nature, walkability, and heart health.

While it’s known that green spaces can benefit health, this study shows that easy access to these areas is just as important.

The Surprising Impact of Greenery and Walking

Researchers focused on adults living in the Houston area, averaging 52 years old. They evaluated neighborhoods using two scales: NatureScore (measuring nature amount and quality) and walk score (assessing how easy it is to walk in the area).

People’s homes were categorized from ‘nature-deficient’ to ‘nature-utopia’ based on NatureScore, and from ‘car-dependent’ to ‘very walkable/walker’s paradise’ using walk score.

Initially, the study found more heart diseases and risks in those living in high NatureScore areas, which was unexpected.

However, when considering walkability, the picture changed. Those in highly walkable, nature-rich areas had a 9% lower chance of heart disease risks like high blood pressure and diabetes.

They also had a 4% lower chance of heart diseases, including coronary heart disease and stroke.

The Importance of Accessible Green Spaces

Dr. Omar Mohamed Makram, the lead researcher, emphasized that simply having green spaces isn’t enough. People need to interact with nature to reap the benefits, which is where walkability plays a crucial role.

Makram suggests that policymakers should create more accessible green areas, particularly in communities that lack them.

By developing green spaces near mixed-use areas and transit hubs, neighborhoods can become more walkable and nature-accessible.

The study, presented at the American Heart Association’s conference, awaits further review.

It highlights the role of social factors in health, advising doctors to consider patients’ living environments when recommending physical activities.

The research is a starting point, not a conclusion. Makram calls for more studies to determine the most beneficial nature activities and their ideal duration.

Dr. Ray Yeager, an expert not involved in the study, adds that green spaces are believed to be good for health, but hard data is scarce. This study contributes valuable insights, especially as policies evolve to address climate change.

The U.S. Forest Service’s recent initiative to plant trees in urban areas across all states is an example of how urban green spaces might grow and impact public health.

Yeager notes that the effects of nature aren’t uniform across communities, and more research is needed to understand how different groups can benefit most from green spaces.

In summary, this research underscores the combined importance of green spaces and walkability for heart health.

It suggests a direction for urban planning and healthcare, focusing on creating accessible nature areas that encourage walking and interaction with the environment.

As cities evolve, understanding and implementing these findings could lead to significant public health improvements.

If you care about heart disease, please read studies about a big cause of heart failure, and common blood test could advance heart failure treatment.

For more information about heart health, please see recent studies about a new way to repair human heart, and results showing drinking coffee may help reduce heart failure risk.

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