Blood test can detect suicidal thoughts, study finds

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Depression affects millions of people, and it has far-reaching consequences, both mentally and physically.

A recent study from the University of California San Diego School of Medicine sheds new light on the relationship between depression and the body’s metabolism.

This research also identifies potential biomarkers that could help predict individuals at higher risk of experiencing suicidal thoughts.

The findings, published in Translational Psychiatry, offer hope for personalized mental health care and the development of new treatments.

Understanding the Connection: Depression is a complex condition that impacts not only the mind but also the body.

Researchers are increasingly exploring how changes in cellular metabolism might be linked to mental health issues, opening the door to new ways of diagnosing, treating, and preventing depression.

Lead author Dr. Robert Naviaux, a professor at UC San Diego School of Medicine, and his team conducted this study. They aimed to investigate the connection between depression, suicidal ideation, and the body’s metabolism.

Depression takes a significant toll on individuals, affecting their daily lives and overall health. While many people respond well to therapy and medication, some struggle with treatment-resistant depression, which can lead to suicidal thoughts and attempts.

The research involved analyzing the blood of 99 individuals with treatment-resistant depression and suicidal thoughts, comparing it with a control group of the same size. The goal was to identify specific biomarkers that could help distinguish individuals with higher suicide risk.

One intriguing finding was that there were differences in how depression and suicidal thoughts impacted cellular metabolism in men and women.

The researchers identified five biomarkers in males and another five in females that could help predict suicidal ideation. This discovery may have important implications for diagnosis and treatment.

The study also revealed that some metabolic markers associated with suicidal ideation were consistent in both sexes.

These markers were related to mitochondrial dysfunction, a condition where the energy-producing structures within cells don’t function correctly. Mitochondria play a vital role in producing energy and facilitating cell communication.

Researchers believe that mitochondrial dysfunction might disrupt ATP production and its role in cell-to-cell communication. ATP, the cell’s primary energy source, can also act as a signal in response to stressors. Suicidal thoughts may be linked to an attempt to stop an overwhelming stress response at the cellular level.

One promising aspect of the study is the identification of metabolic deficiencies that can be addressed with supplements like folate and carnitine. While these supplements are not a cure for depression, they could be used to personalize treatment and enhance the body’s metabolism, potentially improving treatment outcomes.

The research doesn’t just offer hope for depression treatment; it also opens the door to developing new drugs that can target mitochondrial dysfunction. This could have far-reaching implications for various chronic diseases, as depression often coexists with other health conditions.

By understanding the metabolic factors linked to depression and suicidal thoughts, researchers hope to identify individuals at the highest risk. This knowledge could be crucial in preventing suicide attempts and ultimately saving lives.

This groundbreaking study emphasizes the intricate relationship between metabolism and depression. It offers a path towards personalized treatment and highlights the potential for new drug discoveries that could improve the lives of millions of people who battle depression and its associated challenges.

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For more information about nutrition, please read studies that ultra-processed foods may make you feel depressed, and Vitamin D could help reduce depression symptoms.

The research findings can be found in Translational Psychiatry.

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