AI revolutionizes ancient Chinese tongue diagnosis

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Computer scientists are transforming a 2000-year-old Chinese herbalist practice of examining the tongue to diagnose diseases.

Using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, they’re bringing this ancient technique into the modern era of remote health monitoring.

A study by Iraqi and Australian researchers, including engineers from Middle Technical University (MTU) in Baghdad and the University of South Australia (UniSA), has demonstrated the remarkable accuracy of this AI-driven method.

They used a simple USB web camera to capture tongue images of 50 patients with conditions like diabetes, renal failure, and anaemia.

By comparing these images to a database of 9,000 tongue images, they achieved a 94% accuracy rate in diagnosis, aligning closely with laboratory results.

Technology Meets Tradition

The practice, rooted in Chinese medicine, is based on the principle that the tongue’s color, shape, and thickness can indicate various illnesses.

AI and computerized analysis have taken this concept to a new level, allowing for remote, efficient, and non-invasive diagnosis.

This technology isn’t just a concept; it’s being actively used and refined. For instance, a 2022 study in Ukraine employed smartphone-captured tongue images to diagnose COVID-19 severity.

Other diseases like appendicitis, diabetes, and thyroid issues have also been successfully diagnosed using AI-powered tongue analysis systems.

Looking to the Future

The potential of this technology is vast. It represents a safe, effective, painless, and cost-efficient method for disease diagnosis, particularly valuable in times like the COVID-19 pandemic when access to healthcare facilities is limited.

As the research continues to evolve, we can expect even higher accuracy rates and the ability to diagnose a broader range of diseases.

The Intersection of AI and Traditional Medicine

This exciting development showcases how AI can enhance and revolutionize traditional medical practices.

By merging the wisdom of ancient techniques with modern technology, medical professionals can offer better, more accessible healthcare options worldwide.

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