Study links statin use to higher risk of diabetes and skin infections

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For individuals with high levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, statin medications are often prescribed to manage cholesterol levels.

Statins are known to effectively reduce LDL cholesterol and are widely used to lower cardiovascular disease risk.

However, a recent study conducted at Curtin University in Australia has uncovered a potential link between statin use, an increased risk of developing diabetes, and a higher susceptibility to skin and soft tissue infections.

Statin Medications: Cholesterol Management and Potential Complications

Statin drugs work by slowing down the liver’s production of cholesterol while enhancing its ability to remove existing LDL cholesterol from the bloodstream.

These medications have been valuable in managing LDL cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

While statins have shown positive effects in managing infections such as pneumonia and Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia, the study’s findings reveal an ironic connection between statin use and an elevated risk of diabetes and skin infections.

Examining the Research: Statin Use and Associated Risks

Researchers analyzed prescription claims spanning from 2001 to 2011 from the Australian Department of Veterans Affairs.

Their investigation revealed that even short-term statin use, as brief as 91 days, was associated with an increased likelihood of skin and soft tissue infections and diabetes. This risk was evident in both patients who developed diabetes and those who did not.

Implications for Healthcare Providers

These findings underscore the importance of healthcare providers recognizing the potential link between statin use and diabetes, as well as the increased risk of skin infections. To address these concerns, doctors may need to:

Monitor Blood Glucose Levels: For patients prescribed statins, regular monitoring of blood glucose levels may be necessary to identify and manage potential diabetes development.

Raise Awareness: Healthcare providers should inform patients about the possible risks associated with statin use, including the heightened susceptibility to diabetes and skin infections.


While statin medications continue to play a crucial role in managing LDL cholesterol and reducing cardiovascular disease risk, this study highlights the importance of considering potential side effects.

Patients and healthcare providers must weigh the benefits and potential drawbacks of statin therapy, remaining vigilant in monitoring and addressing associated risks.

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