Scientists find long-term impact of blood pressure drugs on kidney health

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A study by the University of Virginia has raised concerns about the long-term effects of common medications used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure on kidney health.

While these drugs, including ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers, are vital for managing various heart-related conditions, the research suggests they might also contribute to kidney damage over time.

Key Findings and Implications

The research focused on understanding how severe high blood pressure, which affects a billion people globally, leads to kidney damage.

The study found that renin cells in the kidneys, which usually produce the hormone renin for blood pressure regulation, can undergo harmful changes.

These changes cause the cells to invade kidney blood vessel walls, leading to vessel thickening and stiffening, and consequently, reduced blood flow through the kidneys.

Interestingly, the long-term use of drugs that inhibit the renin-angiotensin system, like ACE inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers, was found to have a similar effect.

These drugs, although crucial in treating high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, heart attacks, and preventing major heart issues, were associated with hardened kidney vessels in lab mice and humans.

Patient Advice

Despite these findings, the researchers emphasize the lifesaving nature of these medications. Patients are advised to continue their prescribed treatments, but the study underscores the need for further research to fully understand the long-term impacts of these drugs on the kidneys.

The University of Virginia’s research highlights the need for additional studies to explore the long-term effects of blood pressure medications on renal health.

This is particularly important considering the widespread use of these drugs and the potential implications for patients with chronic conditions.


While this study sheds light on a critical aspect of kidney health in the context of commonly prescribed blood pressure medications, it does not diminish the importance of these drugs in saving lives.

However, it does call for a more in-depth understanding of their long-term effects, to ensure optimal patient care and health outcomes.

If you care about blood pressure, please read studies about Changing blood pressure readings is a hidden sign of heart disease and findings of Scientists shows switching blood pressure drugs may treat the condition better.

For more information about blood pressure, please see recent studies about Prebiotic fiber could manage high blood pressure and results showing that Dietary fiber: A new approach to lowering high blood pressure.

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