Research shows a new trigger of Parkinson’s disease

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Parkinson’s disease has long been associated with the degeneration of dopamine-producing neurons.

However, a groundbreaking study from Northwestern Medicine has challenged this conventional wisdom, suggesting that dysfunction at the synapses—the tiny gaps where impulses pass from one neuron to another—may precede and lead to deficits in dopamine as well as neurodegeneration.

This novel insight could revolutionize therapeutic strategies for Parkinson’s disease by emphasizing the importance of targeting dysfunctional synapses before neurons degenerate.

The Importance of Dopaminergic Synapses

Dr. Dimitri Krainc, chair of neurology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, led the study, which proposes that dopaminergic synapses become dysfunctional before the neurons themselves die.

This groundbreaking finding underscores the significance of understanding synapse physiology and how it relates to Parkinson’s disease.

Addressing a Gap in Parkinson’s Research

Previous research often relied on findings from mouse models, which may not directly apply to humans. To bridge this gap, the study focused on patient-derived midbrain neurons, providing critical insights into the physiology of human dopamine neurons.

A Recycling Mechanism Gone Awry

The study delved into the role of genes Parkin and PINK1 in mitophagy, a cellular process responsible for recycling worn-out mitochondria. Mutations in these genes have been linked to Parkinson’s disease due to ineffective mitophagy.

A Tale of Two Sisters and a New Discovery

The study shared a compelling story of two sisters, one diagnosed with Parkinson’s at 16 and the other at 48.

The earlier diagnosis puzzled researchers because the sister had only a partial loss of Parkin—a condition previously thought insufficient to trigger Parkinson’s. This revelation led to the discovery that Parkin also plays a role in controlling dopamine release.

New Therapeutic Horizons

Understanding the role of Parkin in synaptic dysfunction offers new therapeutic possibilities. Dr. Krainc expressed the need to develop drugs that stimulate this pathway to correct synaptic dysfunction, potentially preventing neuronal degeneration in Parkinson’s.

The Path Forward

This groundbreaking study challenges conventional wisdom and opens doors for innovative treatments that focus on synaptic dysfunction.

It suggests that the key to conquering Parkinson’s may lie not only in targeting neurons but also in addressing the tiny gaps that connect them.

If you care about Parkinson’s disease, please read studies about Vitamin E and its potential to prevent Parkinson’s and the potential benefits of Vitamin D for individuals with Parkinson’s.

If you are interested in nutrition, please explore research on foods that may improve survival in Parkinson’s disease and the potential of vitamin D supplements to significantly reduce cancer-related deaths.

The research findings can be found in Neuron.

If you care about Parkinson’s disease, please read studies about Vitamin E that may help prevent Parkinson’s disease, and Vitamin D could benefit people with Parkinson’s disease.

For more information about brain health, please see recent studies about new way to treat Parkinson’s disease, and results showing COVID-19 may be linked to Parkinson’s disease.

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