New hope for diabetes patients with heart and kidney risks

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Diabetes is a common health problem where the body struggles with using sugar properly. This struggle can lead to too much sugar in the blood, which is not good for health.

People with type 2 diabetes, a type of diabetes that usually starts in adults, are often at risk of heart and kidney problems. But there’s good news from recent research.

A New and Effective Medication

Researchers at Monash University have discovered a medicine that not only helps control blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes but also reduces their chances of heart and kidney diseases.

This medicine is known as SGLT2 inhibitors. Before this study, these drugs were mainly known for helping lower blood sugar levels.

The team of researchers did a thorough study to understand how well this medicine works for heart and kidney health. They looked into how much it would cost the government to provide this medicine and whether it was worth the price.

This is the first time a study has focused on the value of SGLT2 inhibitors, considering their benefits for the heart and kidneys alone.

The big finding from this study was that these drugs are a smart choice for treating everyone with type 2 diabetes. This is great news because it means the drugs are good for people’s health and are also cost-effective.

It suggests that the medicine could be more widely used for all type 2 diabetes patients, not just those who have trouble managing their blood sugar levels.

The Background of Type 2 Diabetes

Understanding type 2 diabetes helps in appreciating the importance of this discovery. Type 2 diabetes is a condition where the body doesn’t use insulin well.

Insulin is a hormone that helps manage the amount of sugar in your blood. When the body resists insulin, sugar levels rise, leading to various health issues.

Long-term high blood sugar can harm blood vessels and organs, including the kidneys. The kidneys are vital organs that clean the blood and get rid of waste. When they are damaged, they can’t do their job well, leading to kidney disease.

This condition can get worse over time and can lead to the kidneys failing completely. People with type 2 diabetes have a higher risk of developing kidney disease.

Implications for Diabetes Management

This study is a big step forward in treating type 2 diabetes. It shows that SGLT2 inhibitors are not just good for lowering blood sugar but also for protecting the heart and kidneys. This is crucial because heart and kidney diseases are common and serious problems for people with diabetes.

The results could change how diabetes is treated, making these drugs a more common choice for doctors. It’s especially important for the nearly 1.9 million people in Australia who have diabetes, including about 500,000 who don’t even know they have it.

The study by Jedidiah Morton and his team at Monash University, published in “Diabetologia,” is a beacon of hope.

It suggests that managing diabetes could become more effective and simpler, focusing not just on blood sugar levels but also on preventing serious complications like heart and kidney diseases.

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