Metformin may slow cognitive decline, reduce dementia risk in type 2 diabetes

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Metformin, a widely used medication for managing blood sugar levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes, has shown promise in slowing cognitive decline and lowering dementia risk.

Researchers at UNSW Sydney conducted a study that examined the potential cognitive benefits of metformin, offering hope for reducing dementia risk not only in people with type 2 diabetes but also in a broader population.

Understanding Type 2 Diabetes and Its Consequences

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that affects the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels. It arises when the body cannot produce enough insulin to meet its needs, leading to elevated blood glucose levels.

Over time, uncontrolled type 2 diabetes can result in a range of long-term health complications, including cognitive decline.

Metformin: A Diabetes Management Staple

Metformin is the primary medication prescribed to individuals with type 2 diabetes to help them maintain optimal blood sugar levels.

It is one of the most commonly used drugs globally, benefiting millions of people by improving glucose control.

The research team analyzed data from 123 individuals with type 2 diabetes, with 67 of them receiving metformin as part of their treatment plan.

The study revealed that those with type 2 diabetes who used metformin experienced significantly slower cognitive decline and had a lower risk of dementia compared to those not taking metformin.

Metformin’s Mechanism of Action

Metformin has been safely used for six decades to manage type 2 diabetes. It operates by reducing the liver’s release of glucose into the bloodstream and enhancing the body’s cells’ responsiveness to blood glucose levels.

In recent years, research has unveiled metformin’s potential benefits in various health areas, including cancer, heart disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, and weight management.

This study suggests that metformin may extend its advantages to cognitive health, not only for individuals with type 2 diabetes but also for those at risk of cognitive decline.


The study’s findings open a promising avenue for reducing the risk of dementia in individuals with type 2 diabetes and, potentially, in a broader population.

Metformin’s established safety record and its potential cognitive benefits underscore the importance of further research into its application for cognitive health.

This research offers hope for addressing the multifaceted challenges of cognitive decline and dementia in our aging population.

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