How potato cooking methods affect your blood pressure

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Recent research from Imperial College London has taken a closer look at the relationship between potato consumption and health risks, particularly focusing on blood pressure (BP) and Body Mass Index (BMI).

Unlike previous studies, this new research delves into how different cooking methods of potatoes might affect these health outcomes.

Key Findings: Fried Potatoes vs. Non-Fried Potatoes

The study, which involved 2,696 participants aged 40-59 in the US and UK, found some intriguing results:

No Link with Boiled, Mashed, or Baked Potatoes: Consumption of non-fried potatoes (boiled, mashed, or baked) showed no significant association with either higher blood pressure or BMI.

Fried Potatoes and Health Risks in Women: In US women, higher intake of fried potatoes correlated with increased systolic and diastolic BP, as well as a rise in BMI. Surprisingly, these links were not observed in men.

Meal Nutritional Quality Matters: The study also highlighted that fried potato meals with lower nutritional quality were linked to higher BP in US women. Conversely, no BP associations were found with higher-quality meals.

The study utilized data from the International Study of Macro- and Micro-Nutrients and Blood Pressure (INTERMAP), examining various factors including the amount and type of potato consumed, cooking methods, overall diet patterns, and the nutrient quality of associated meals.

Implications: Rethinking Potato Consumption

This research suggests that the method of preparing potatoes significantly influences their health impact.

Particularly, it implies that fried potatoes may pose health risks, especially for women, while non-fried potatoes do not exhibit the same concerns.

Based on these findings, it is advisable for individuals, particularly women, to be mindful of their fried potato intake. Incorporating non-fried potatoes into a diet with high nutritional quality could be a healthier choice.

A Nuanced View on Potatoes and Health

In conclusion, this study sheds light on the complex relationship between potato consumption and health. It emphasizes that not all potato dishes are created equal and that preparation methods and meal quality play crucial roles in determining their health effects.

If you care about blood pressure, please read studies that black licorice could cause dangerous high blood pressure, and this common plant nutrient could help reduce high blood pressure.

For more information about blood pressure, please see recent studies about how coffee influence your risk of high blood pressure, and results showing this olive oil could reduce blood pressure in healthy people.

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