Widely prescribed drug may increase sudden cardiac arrest risk in people with diabetes

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When we talk about heart health, especially concerning people living with type 2 diabetes, the conversations often go beyond just diet and exercise.

A new study, shared at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) Annual Meeting in Hamburg, Germany, sheds light on several unexpected factors that might influence the risk of sudden cardiac arrest, a condition where the heart unexpectedly stops pumping blood.

Understanding sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is crucial, as it accounts for up to half of cardiac deaths and 20% of all mortalities in wealthier countries.

Particularly for individuals with type 2 diabetes, who already have a doubled risk of experiencing SCA, identifying and mitigating additional risk factors is paramount, even more so for those without any previous heart disease history.

Unraveling Findings: A Deep Dive into the Study

Led by Peter Harms and his team from Amsterdam UMC in the Netherlands, the study delved into the medical histories of 3,919 individuals with type 2 diabetes, of whom 689 had experienced sudden cardiac arrest between 2010 and 2019 in Noord-Holland, a region in the Netherlands.

By examining a range of clinical measurements and medication use over five years leading up to each SCA case, and comparing these to up to five non-SCA controls per case, the researchers identified several noteworthy associations.

The findings revealed that certain commonly prescribed drugs, including specific antibiotics and antipsychotic medications, alongside prokinetics (medications typically used to manage gastrointestinal issues like nausea), were linked to an increased risk of SCA.

These drugs, described as being “QTc-prolonging,” can impact how the heart’s electrical system functions. Notable examples of such medications include the antibiotic marcolides and the antipsychotic haloperidol.

The Slightly Obscure: Glimpsing the Not-So-Common Risks

A somewhat unexpected discovery was that low fasting blood sugar, often seen as an indication of strict blood sugar control, was associated with a 150% increase in SCA risk among individuals without a history of cardiovascular disease.

Additionally, for those with existing cardiovascular disease, factors like albuminuria (a condition where the protein albumin is present in urine, often indicating kidney problems) and heart failure were significantly associated with SCA.

Peter Harms points out that while general practitioners (GPs) may already be conscious of the more conventional risk factors for SCA, such as high blood pressure, particularly in people with type 2 diabetes, they might be less aware of the associated risks of low fasting glucose and specific medications.

As a takeaway from the research, it’s crucial for healthcare providers to have an in-depth understanding of the various factors that could potentially elevate the risk of sudden cardiac arrest, especially among individuals with type 2 diabetes.

While maintaining a keen eye on conventional risk factors, being mindful of the slightly obscure, such as the stringent management of blood glucose and prescription of certain medications, becomes paramount in safeguarding the heart health of individuals navigating life with diabetes.

With this research in hand, healthcare professionals can approach diabetes management with a widened perspective, considering not only the immediate implications of blood sugar control but also the nuanced, long-term impact of various treatments and management strategies on the overall cardiovascular health of their patients.

This way, each patient can be offered a care plan that’s not only supportive of their present circumstances but also protective of their future health.

If you care about heart failure, please read studies about diabetes drug that could revolutionize heart failure treatment, and this drug can be a low-cost heart failure treatment

For more information about heart health, please see recent studies that exercise in middle age reversed worrisome heart failure, and results showing this drug combo can cut risk of stroke and heart attack by half.

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