Set up solar farms in space? That’s the future of clean energy

A CubeSat made at the Surrey Space Center. Credit: University of Surrey.

Imagine harnessing the power of the sun, but not from the surface of the Earth.

Instead, think bigger and farther away – like, in space!

Recent research from the Universities of Surrey and Swansea has shown that this might just be possible. Here’s a breakdown of this exciting news.

What did the scientists discover?

The main idea here is that we could potentially set up “solar farms” in space.

A solar farm is a place where lots of solar panels are set up to catch sunlight and turn it into electricity.

If we could set up these farms in space, we could produce a lot more electricity because there’s no atmosphere or clouds to block the sun’s rays. Plus, the sun shines 24/7 in space!

These smart scientists tested lightweight, low-cost solar panels in space. They tracked a satellite with these panels for six years (wow, that’s a long time!) to see how well they worked. And guess what? The results are promising.

Why is This Special?

Professor Craig Underwood, a big-shot space engineer from the University of Surrey, shared some of his thoughts.

He’s super happy because a mission that was supposed to last just one year is still going strong after six years.

This means that the solar panels they tested are pretty tough! Space can be a challenging place with extreme temperatures and harmful radiation, but these panels handled it like champs.

The extra cool part? These aren’t just any solar panels. The team from the University of Swansea used a special material called cadmium telluride to make new kinds of solar cells. These new panels are bigger, lighter, and can produce more electricity than the ones we usually see. And the best part? They don’t cost a fortune to make!

How did they do it?

It’s like a teamwork dream come true. While the Swansea team worked on making the super panels, the Surrey team built tools to check how well they performed in space.

They also had some help from trainee engineers from the Algerian Space Agency. Talk about international collaboration!

What’s the Catch?

Well, like all things, nothing’s perfect. Over time, these solar panels did become a bit less effective at producing electricity.

But even then, the results showed that these space solar power stations could be a real thing in the future. Think of all the clean energy we could get!

Dr. Dan Lamb, a researcher from the University of Swansea, is pretty excited too. He believes that big solar panels for space could become a big thing soon. He also pointed out that this research will boost the UK’s reputation for being awesome at space technology.

The journey has just begun.

But with these results, we’re a step closer to having solar farms in space. Imagine a future where we get our energy from giant panels floating in the cosmos, sending clean electricity down to Earth.

Sounds like science fiction, right? But thanks to these scientists, it might just become reality.

In simple words? The sun’s power is amazing, and soon, we might be catching its rays from space for a brighter, cleaner future!

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