Scientists find link between inflammation and aging

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Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have made a big breakthrough in understanding the driving force behind chronic inflammation, a process closely associated with aging and age-related diseases such as heart conditions and neurodegenerative disorders.

Led by Bimal N. Desai, the team’s findings shed light on how impaired calcium signaling in immune cells called macrophages contributes to chronic inflammation, often referred to as “inflammaging.”

The Role of Calcium Signaling in Inflammation

The study underscores the pivotal role of mitochondria, the energy-producing structures within cells, in the inflammation process.

Specifically, the research reveals that as we age, mitochondria in macrophages struggle to efficiently utilize calcium.

This impairment in calcium signaling leads to chronic inflammation, which, in turn, is a major factor in various health problems associated with aging.

The Vital Role of Macrophages

Macrophages, a type of white blood cell, are integral components of our immune system. They not only help clear away dead or dying cells but also serve as vigilant defenders against foreign invaders.

However, the study indicates that as individuals age, these essential immune cells become less effective, contributing to the phenomenon of inflammaging.

The researchers propose that enhancing calcium uptake in macrophages could be a potential avenue to mitigate inflammation and its detrimental consequences.

This breakthrough could pave the way for innovative therapies targeting a range of age-related diseases. Importantly, the challenge lies not in simply providing more calcium but in helping macrophages utilize it effectively.

The research team is committed to further understanding the intricate molecular mechanisms at play in this process.

They aim to explore methods for stimulating this machinery in aging cells, potentially leading to groundbreaking treatments for age-related conditions, especially those affecting the heart and brain.

Moreover, this discovery may hold the key to bolstering the immune system in old age, a critical period when susceptibility to diseases increases.

This groundbreaking research represents a collaboration of various disciplines, including computational biology, immunology, cell biology, and biophysics.

Such an interdisciplinary approach has yielded a conceptual breakthrough in our comprehension of chronic inflammation and aging.

The study, published in the journal Nature Aging, was spearheaded by graduate student Phil Seegren.

Bimal N. Desai, the lead researcher, emphasizes the need for further investigations into the intricate cellular processes controlling mitochondrial function in different types of macrophages.

Manipulating these processes could have a profound impact on biomedical advancements.


The discovery of the link between impaired calcium signaling in macrophages and chronic inflammation offers hope for extending not only our lifespan but also the quality of life in our later years.

By addressing inflammaging, a critical driver of age-related ailments, this research opens up exciting possibilities for future healthcare interventions.

For those interested in inflammation-related topics, additional studies are available on the causes of inflammation in common bowel diseases and emerging cancer treatments that reawaken the immune system.

Furthermore, recent research explores a novel approach to curb excessive inflammation and identifies foods that may trigger inflammation.

If you care about wellness, please read studies about how ultra-processed foods and red meat influence your longevity, and why seafood may boost healthy aging.

For more information about wellness, please see recent studies that olive oil may help you live longer, and vitamin D could help lower the risk of autoimmune diseases.

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