Scientists create revolutionary battery with everyday materials

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Have you ever wondered about the stuff inside batteries that powers our gadgets?

A lot of times, batteries use metals that are expensive or not easy to get.

But, scientists have now made an exciting breakthrough. They’ve created a new type of battery using materials that are more common and less pricey!

Why is this new battery so cool?

There are batteries you can recharge (like the ones in your phone) and ones you can’t, known as primary batteries.

These one-time-use batteries are great for things like emergency tools or sensors because they’re cheap and have a steady power output. However, many use expensive metals like lithium, which can make them costly.

But guess what?

Scientists have designed a battery that doesn’t need these expensive metals. Instead, it uses carbon (something found everywhere) and magnesium (a more common metal) to work. Plus, it even takes in oxygen from the air around us!

Together with a special salty solution called brine, they’ve made a battery that’s not just affordable but works really well.

How did they make it work?

Now, this isn’t the first time someone thought of using magnesium and air to make a battery. But in the past, these batteries didn’t work very well. They’d run out of power quickly or just weren’t stable.

The magic touch of these researchers was using a new material called nitrogen-doped nanoporous graphene for the battery’s air part.

Think of it as a super spongey, hole-filled carbon that’s been tweaked with a bit of nitrogen. This spongey carbon helps get more air into the battery and makes it work better.

For the battery’s main body, they used normal magnesium sheets you can find anywhere. And, instead of a liquid inside (like most batteries have), they used a solid, jelly-like substance soaked in brine. This jelly stops the magnesium from wearing out too quickly, making the battery last longer.

When they tested this new battery, they found it worked just as well or even better than those pricier batteries that use platinum!

Why is this discovery so important?

This research is like finding a way to bake an amazing cake using simpler and cheaper ingredients.

The new battery design could make it easier and cheaper to produce batteries for various uses. And because they’re using common materials, we don’t have to worry as much about running out.

Imagine a future where emergency tools or other devices use these affordable batteries, ensuring that more people can access them without breaking the bank. Plus, with the push to be more environmentally friendly, having batteries made from abundant materials is a big step in the right direction.

Key takeaways

Scientists have found a way to make great batteries without the high price tag. Their discovery could change how we think about powering our devices and make the world a bit greener.

The next time you use a battery-powered gadget, just think – it might soon be powered by this brilliant invention!

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Source: University of Tsukuba.