New material could turn leftover heat into electricity – goodbye, charging cables?

Credit: Solen Feyissa/Unsplash.

Have you ever felt how warm your laptop gets when you use it for a long time?

Or noticed the steam rising from your tea? All of that warmth is a form of energy. Now, imagine if we could take that heat and turn it back into electricity.

Wouldn’t that be cool? (Or hot? Pardon the pun!) Scientists have just come up with a way that could make this dream a reality.

This discovery could help the environment and maybe even mean fewer times you need to charge your smartwatch or other devices.

So, let’s dive into what the experts found.

There’s this fancy thing called ‘thermoelectric energy harvesting’. It sounds complicated, but it’s just a way of taking heat energy and turning it into electricity.

And the exciting part? Researchers at Reading have figured out a trick to do this more efficiently.

Here’s a simple way to think about it. Thermoelectric materials are like magical sponges that soak up heat from one side and release electricity on the other side.

The researchers found that if these materials have tiny moving particles inside, trapped like bees in a honeycomb, then they can keep one side hot and the other side cold. This difference helps make electricity.

You might think, “Okay, that sounds great, but will these materials last?” That’s the best part! The materials the scientists made are super tough. They don’t wear out easily. This means we can use them in devices and machines to convert leftover heat into useful electricity more effectively.

Dr. Paz Vaqueiro, a smart scientist from the University of Reading, led this exciting study. She mentioned something that made our ears perk up: around two-thirds of all the energy we make in the world is wasted as heat.

That’s like baking three cakes and throwing two of them away! So, if we can use this new trick to turn some of that heat back into electricity, we’d be helping our planet a lot.

Now, let’s chat about the U.K. Dr. Vaqueiro pointed out that the U.K. will need a lot more electricity in the future, double of what they used in 2020. So, having a cheaper and more efficient way to make electricity from heat would be fantastic. It’s like discovering a treasure chest in your backyard!

But what does this mean for you and me?

Imagine wearing a smartwatch that you don’t have to charge every day. With this new technology, the watch could use your body heat to keep going! This could be a game-changer, especially for things like health monitors for older folks.

And cars? They might get an upgrade too. Car companies could use this method to catch the heat from engines and change it into power. So, electric or hybrid cars could become even better for the environment.

And let’s not forget about big factories that make stuff like glass or steel. These places get super hot and produce a lot of heat that’s just wasted. If they used this new material, they could transform that heat back into electricity. It’s like getting a bonus after doing a hard day’s work.

In a nutshell, this discovery is all about not letting any energy go to waste. It’s like finding change under the sofa cushions or making a delicious dish from leftovers in the fridge. Every bit helps.

And in this case, turning heat into electricity might help our planet and make our daily gadgets even cooler!

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Source: University of Reading.