A guide to diet choices for healthy kidneys

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Your kidneys are vital organs responsible for filtering waste products and excess fluids from your bloodstream. Maintaining their health is essential for overall well-being.

One way to support kidney health is through your diet. In this article, we’ll explore the best and worst diets for kidney health and provide practical tips to help you make informed dietary choices.

The Best Diets for Kidney Health

  1. The DASH Diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension)

The DASH diet is renowned for its ability to lower blood pressure and promote heart health, making it beneficial for kidney health as high blood pressure is a leading cause of kidney disease. Key principles of the DASH diet include:

  • Consuming plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products.
  • Including lean proteins like fish, poultry, and beans.
  • Limiting sodium, saturated fats, and added sugars.
  1. A Plant-Based Diet

A plant-based diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes can also support kidney health. Such a diet reduces the risk of kidney stones and chronic kidney disease by decreasing the acid load on the kidneys.

Plant-based diets are typically low in sodium and phosphorus, making them beneficial for those with kidney disease.

  1. The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet emphasizes whole, minimally processed foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats like olive oil. This diet is low in red meat and added sugars.

Research shows that the Mediterranean diet can help reduce the risk of kidney disease by improving blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and inflammation.

The Worst Diets for Kidney Health

  1. High Sodium Diets

Consuming high amounts of sodium can increase blood pressure and harm your kidneys over time. Processed foods, fast foods, and restaurant meals are often high in sodium.

To protect your kidneys, limit sodium intake by cooking at home, using fresh ingredients, and choosing low-sodium options when eating out.

  1. High Protein Diets

Diets high in animal proteins, such as the Atkins or ketogenic diets, can raise the risk of kidney stones and worsen existing kidney disease.

High protein intake increases the acid load on the kidneys and may lead to a decline in kidney function. If you have kidney disease or are at risk, monitor protein intake and prioritize plant-based proteins.

  1. High Sugar Diets

Diets high in added sugars, such as sweets, sugary beverages, and processed foods, can contribute to obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure—risk factors for kidney disease. Reducing sugar intake can help prevent kidney damage and promote overall health.

Tips for Supporting Kidney Health Through Diet

  1. Stay Hydrated

Adequate water intake helps your kidneys filter waste and maintain electrolyte balance. Aim for at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day, but consult your healthcare provider if you have kidney disease or fluid intake restrictions.

  1. Limit Alcohol Consumption

Excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk of kidney disease, high blood pressure, and liver damage. Moderate alcohol intake (one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men) is generally considered safe for kidney health.

  1. Monitor Nutrient Intake

Certain nutrients, like potassium, phosphorus, and calcium, can be problematic for individuals with kidney disease.

Working with a healthcare provider or registered dietitian can help you develop a meal plan that meets your nutritional needs while protecting your kidneys.


Maintaining healthy kidneys is vital for overall well-being. By following a balanced and nutrient-rich diet, such as the DASH diet, a plant-based diet, or the Mediterranean diet, you can support your kidney health and reduce the risk of kidney-related issues.

Conversely, diets high in sodium, animal proteins, and added sugars can contribute to kidney disease and should be limited or avoided, especially if you are at risk.

To further support your kidney health, remember to stay hydrated, limit alcohol consumption, and work closely with your healthcare provider to monitor your nutrient intake.

By making informed dietary choices, you can protect your kidneys and promote a healthier life.

If you care about kidney health, please read studies about Drinking coffee could help reduce risk of kidney injury and findings of Eating nuts linked to lower risk of chronic kidney disease, death.

For more information about kidney health, please see recent studies about drug duo that may treat kidney failure, and results showing these vegetables may protect against kidney damage.

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