Diabetes drug shows promise for widespread heart failure

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The Problem: Millions with Weak Hearts

Heart failure is a big deal affecting millions of people around the world. Imagine your heart is like a water pump, but it can’t pump as well as it should.

This is what over 64 million people are dealing with. Half of them have what doctors call “mildly reduced or preserved ejection fraction.”

That just means their hearts aren’t pumping blood the way they should. And guess what? There haven’t been many good treatment options for these people.

A Surprising Discovery: The Diabetes Drug That Helps Hearts

Researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital had a light bulb moment. They knew that a drug usually given to people with type 2 diabetes, called dapagliflozin, had also helped heart failure patients in the past.

So they thought, why not see if this drug could help this large group of people with not-so-great heart pumping?

They did a study and found some really good news. This drug helped all kinds of heart failure patients. It didn’t matter if their heart was a little weak or very weak, the drug seemed to work.

People taking this medicine had fewer heart-related deaths and hospital stays. They even felt better and seemed to live longer.

How Does It Work? A Two-for-One Benefit

You might be wondering how a diabetes drug helps the heart. Well, dapagliflozin has a unique way of helping the body get rid of extra sugar through urine.

That’s why it’s good for diabetes. But it looks like this drug is a bit of an overachiever—it also helps the heart and even the kidneys!

Next Steps: More Research Needed

This is great, but it’s just the beginning. The study wasn’t perfect, and there’s more to learn.

Researchers want to keep testing to make sure this treatment is safe and effective for the long run. Their dream is to help people with heart problems live longer, happier lives.

This research has been published in big medical journals and has caught the attention of experts. It’s a hopeful sign for millions of people struggling with heart problems.

So, if you or someone you know has a heart that’s not doing its job as well as it could, this could be a glimpse of better days to come.

If you care about diabetes, please read studies about new way to achieve type 2 diabetes remission, and one avocado a day keeps diabetes at bay.

For more information about health, please see recent studies about nutrients that may help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, and results showing warnings about promising diabetes drug metformin.

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