Scientists find new ways to unlock the secrets inside planets

Researchers are developing a new technique to help visualize the complex internal layering and anomalous structures inside planetary bodies, including the Moon. Credit: NGC 54/Wikimedia,

Imagine trying to figure out what’s inside a wrapped gift without opening it.

That’s a bit like what scientists do when they try to understand what’s inside planets and moons.

It’s not just about rock and dust; inside, there might be different layers and unusual structures formed over billions of years.

One way to “peek” inside planets and moons without actually going in is by studying gravity. Just like how Earth’s gravity keeps us grounded, every planet or moon has its gravity.

Sometimes, certain areas inside these space bodies have more or less stuff packed into them.

These areas can make the gravity stronger or weaker in those places. When a spacecraft flies near such an area, it can “feel” these changes in gravity.

Scientists have ways to figure out where these dense or less dense spots are inside planets using the changes in gravity.

This is a bit like using a flashlight in a dark room to see where things are. The method they use is called gravity inversion.

But here’s the exciting part: there’s now a new and better method to do this! It’s called THeBOOGIe, a funny name that stands for a long technical term. This new method was developed by a scientist named Kristel Izquierdo and her team. They wrote about it in a big science journal.

What makes THeBOOGIe special? Traditional methods needed a lot of information to start. Think of it like needing a clue to start a treasure hunt. But THeBOOGIe is a bit like a treasure hunt that starts without any clue.

Instead, it begins with a random guess and then keeps refining that guess until it gets closer to the truth. This is done using a fancy math method called Bayesian statistics.

To test if THeBOOGIe works, the scientists used it to figure out the inside of our moon. They didn’t use real moon data but something very close to it. Guess what?

THeBOOGIe did an excellent job! It found where the dense spots in the moon were. Although it made a small mistake about how thick one of the layers was, it’s a promising start.

This new method is perfect for understanding the inside of planets or moons when we don’t have other data. Sometimes, on Earth, we use tools that measure earthquakes to figure out what’s beneath our feet.

But for many space bodies, we don’t have that kind of data. That’s where THeBOOGIe can help. It can give scientists a peek inside these planets and moons.

In summary, THeBOOGIe is like a new flashlight that helps scientists see what’s inside planets and moons.

It’s a big step forward in understanding the mysteries of space. Who knows? Maybe one day, with tools like this, we’ll discover something inside a planet that we never imagined!

The findings were published in the journal Earth and Space Science.

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