Scientists find how to reverse hearing loss

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Researchers at King’s College London have made a big leap in the study of hearing loss. They have found a way to help mice that couldn’t hear to start hearing again.

This was done by working on a gene, which is like a tiny part inside our body that helps decide how we look, feel, and function.

Many older people start to lose their hearing. In fact, more than half of the people who are 70 years or older face this problem.

Not being able to hear well can make them feel sad or lonely. It can also affect their ability to think clearly. Sometimes, it can even lead to more serious problems like dementia.

There are devices like hearing aids which can help people hear better. But these devices don’t really fix the root of the problem.

The inside of the ear remains damaged. That’s why researchers are trying to find a way to treat or even reverse hearing loss from within the body.

How They Did It

In their study, the scientists worked with mice that had a problem in their Spns2 gene, which made them deaf.

To fix this, the researchers gave the mice a special substance that made the gene work properly again. And guess what? The mice started to hear again!

This worked best when the mice were young. As the mice got older, it was harder to get their hearing back completely. But the fact that they could improve their hearing at all is big news.

What the Experts Say

Professor Karen Steel, who was a major part of the research, said that many people think you can’t fix hearing loss once it starts.

But their study showed that it’s possible to make things better. She thinks that their findings could help think of new ways to treat people who have hearing problems because of bad genes.

Another researcher, Dr. Elisa Martelletti, said that when they saw the mice respond to sounds after the treatment, they were very excited.

It showed them that they are on the right path. She believes that this study will give hope to many and will push more studies to find ways to help people with hearing loss.

If you care about wellness, please read studies about hearing loss and the link to dementia, and why people with blood Type O less likely to get COVID-19.

For more information about health, please see recent studies about plant nutrients that could help reduce high blood pressure, and these antioxidants could help reduce dementia risk.

The study was published in PNAS. Follow us on Twitter for more articles about this topic.

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